3 Dicas Para Você Consultar Seu CPF. - Criativo News

3 Tips for You to Check Your CPF.


Do you know how to make this consultation online and for free? So, we prepared this article with 3 tips for checking your CPF. However, this consultation can even be done on your cell phone.

Therefore, we know that with a dirty or negative name, this can cause you great inconvenience. Companies research the information of their future customers, and if they prove that their name is negative, they will have many difficulties in obtaining credit in the market.


So, to avoid certain embarrassments like these, there are currently some applications that can be used to carry out this check. Therefore, as we have already seen here, it is possible to do this CPF consultation via cell phone, and free of charge. 

3 Dicas Para Você Consultar Seu CPF

How to Consult the CPF for Free?

You can regularly check your Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) via cell phone, tablet and computer at no cost. However, for this there are 3 tips for checking your CPF.


This is possible through applications that are linked to credit protection bodies at financial institutions: Serasa Consumidor, Guia Bolso and Individuals.

All of them are available for free, for iOS and Android systems in their respective stores, App Store and Google Play.

Serasa Consumer.

The first on the list and the most accessed among them, and which we suggest you use, is Serasa Consumidor. Because it is the most complete way to make a query like this. However, it allows you to know if you have outstanding debts, the creditor bank and its restrictions.

Before proceeding with the consult your CPF, you will need to complete a simple registration. Therefore, full name, date of birth, contact telephone number and registration of a password.

Now, with the registration ready, return to the home page. Then click on “login” and enter your registered details to access.

The app also offers the option to confirm CPF monitoring in the “Clear name” option. You will receive query reports with your name. However, this helps you against fraud.

This resource also offers you another facility, which is access to Serasa Score. However, this is a scoring tool from 0 to 1000. It determines the level of your chance of paying your bills on time.

So, if your score is high, congratulations. As a result, your credit line in the market will certainly be high as well.

Pocket Guide.

Another alternative is the Guia Bolso. It searches SCPC records and checks the current status of your name, determining whether it is clean or negative. To do this, enter the application and look for the “CPF Radar” option.

So, when searching, it is not necessary to fill in your bank information. However, just add your CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration) number, your name, your mother's name and register a login to benefit from these resources.

Furthermore, this tool also shows which financial institutions made credit inquiries using your CPF. With this, you will have access to bodies that are interested in your profile.

Physical person.

In this application, Individual, it offers the option of searching for the status of your CPF in the Union. It then consults your name using Federal Revenue data.

However, this verification only requires your CPF number and your date of birth. If it is irregular, you need to go to a Federal Revenue office to resolve this issue.

You can also take advantage and check your status Income tax, consult your CNPJ. However, you can also find out where Federal Revenue units are located throughout Brazil.


In this article you discovered the 3 tips for checking your CPF. Did you know that checking your CPF wouldn't be that difficult? If you found it interesting, share it with your friends and help us spread more information like this!

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