3 Ferramentas Úteis do Google - Talvez Você não Conheça

3 Useful Google Tools – You May Not Know.


Nowadays, Google has a huge range of tools. However, among them there are 3 useful tools from Google, which you may not know. So, continue reading this article and learn more about each of these tools.

Google and its entire ecosystem of services are experiencing exponential growth every year. Therefore, it doesn't matter what area the market operates in, as there are many. Google always manages to achieve a dominant position in its wide variety of industries.

However, as it is a giant conglomerate, Google also has several products that are not known. In addition to the bestsellers, of course. So, today we separate some useful tools and apps of the Google ecosystem, which even if you don't know it, you should use it.


3 Ferramentas Úteis do Google

Get to know Google Sites.

Google Sites is a design tool for quickly developing templates for new websites. However, it has a simple layout, where you can configure by dragging and dropping the elements and edit them as you want. This, without having to go through any learning curve.

However, the Google Sites also offers some ready-made themes that you can use. Additionally, users have the ability to create and link pages to produce the website as a whole.


Furthermore, Google Sites integrates very well with several other products in your system. Therefore, an example of this are spreadsheets, which allow you to import documents or graphics. Then, you can share your sites with new users or collaborate with them in real time.

However, after the design is complete, you can preview the site and publish it. However, using a custom URL, you can instantly share it with someone else.

Google Domains – Learn More.

Google Domains is another useful tool from the company. As the name suggests, it allows you to manage and acquire new domains. At the Google Domains, you can buy new domains for your websites and blogs or transfer existing ones if you find the interface more attractive.

Therefore, after purchasing a new domain, the user needs to perform a series of other tasks that Google offers. However, this includes website building apps from its partners, such as Wix, WordPress, and custom email account services.

So, in case you don't already know, Google also offers some add-ons such as privacy filters, customizable subdomains, email forwarding and much more. Another cool point is that it also supports all extensions, whatever they may be.

Google One – Cloud Storage.

In 2018, Google renewed all of its cloud storage subscription services. Therefore, it is now called Google One. But, this includes much more than additional cloud space.

However, in addition to the extra storage space, Google One offers 24/7 access to Google Support. However, the user also has the option of sharing their plan with up to five other family members. In addition to various discounts from the Google Store, credits to use on Google Play and much more.

This tool is not yet available worldwide. But it can be purchased in several regions, such as the United States, for example. However, this is a tool like some paid resources, which range from R$9.90 to R$49.90 monthly. Additional storage is applied to other Google products, such as Drive, Gmail and Photos.

Conclusion About Tools.

With each passing day, Google expands its reach more and more, very widely across the fields of the Internet. So most of the time, users don't go beyond their leading services like Google Maps and Google Search.

Therefore, the tools mentioned in this article are just some of Google's least known and used products. So, Google is always working on new and very interesting projects. Therefore, we believe that this list should expand soon.

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