3 Ideias Fáceis de Brinquedos Recicláveis Para Seu Gato. - Criativo News

3 Easy Recyclable Toy Ideas for Your Cat.


Have you bought a bunch of expensive toys from a pet store and your cat doesn't even care about them? Look here 3 easy ideas for recyclable toys for your cat.

So, on a beautiful sunny day, you find him running frantically around the house, and you realize he's playing with the cap of the soda bottle, which went missing during lunch? So, cat owners know that they are not very demanding when it comes to having fun, right? After all, everyone knows that cats They like simple things, like a cardboard box, for example. 

Furthermore, cats love things that they can pick up, throw around and then just leave in the corner. Therefore, they do this, imitating the way they treat small prey in the wild.


3 Ideias Fáceis de Brinquedos Recicláveis Para Seu Gato

So, based on this, why not make cat toys with recyclable materials? However, we will give 3 Easy Recyclable Toy Ideas for Your Cat.

Fun Cork Stopper.

Your cat can play with the corks on her own, even in the simplest way. Well, they are so light that they can easily deceive you. When the kitten is tired of toys, you can add something to it to attract its attention again.


Therefore, to do this, simply thread some colored wool threads with the help of a pin or other shiny materials that make noise, such as cellophane paper. However, in craft stores, you can also find artificial feathers to glue to corks.

An interesting tip, to make your cat like the toy even more, is to boil the cork in water with Catnip.

Also known as catnip, Catnip originated in Europe and Asia, and currently brings several benefits to our kitty.

Interactive Kong-Type Toy.

Toys like this are very interactive. Therefore, Kong-type toys, for those who don't know, are those that release snacks. So, this is the stimulus that makes your pussy get up and exercise a little. 

To make one of these for your cat, you will need:

  • A small pet bottle.
  • Sharpie to mark where it will be cut.
  • Stiletto.
  • Snacks.

With the marker, draw small squares on the bottle, distributed randomly, so that the snacks can come out, but not too easily. Now, with the help of the craft knife, cut out the squares you drew. 

So, then just place the snacks inside the bottle, and let your cat have fun taking them out one by one. 

However, another idea for this toy is to enhance the bottle cap, with some feathers, but from the outside of course.

This toy can also be made with toilet paper rolls. However, it is much simpler, just fold one end inwards, place the snacks and close the other end. 

Your cat will love this idea too.

Toys made with fabrics.

3 Ideias Fáceis de Brinquedos Recicláveis Para Seu Gato

This type of toy for your pussy is easier to make. Therefore, you can take any scraps you find at home. Now, simply tie a knot or several knots together, making them round. Then, make perforations at the ends and that's it!

However, make sure the knots have a good weight so that your cat can play easily, otherwise they may give up on the toy.

However, cats are very lazy, but playful too. So, as domestic cats don't need to hunt, toys like these are very good for their development and very healthy. 

Finally, with these 3 ideas for recyclable toys for your cat, you encourage your cat to do physical exercise, become healthier and still don't spend anything on it.

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