3 Receitas Fáceis para Impressionar seus Amigos. - Criativo News

3 Easy Recipes to Impress Your Friends.


The month of June is well known for its traditional June festival delicacies. So learn 3 easy recipes to impress your friends.

However, there's nothing better than being able to make your own food at home, and invite some friends to enjoy it with you, right?


Therefore, thinking about helping you in this mission, today we bring 3 easy recipes, for you to impress your friends during June festivities. See each one below and try it out.

3 Receitas Fáceis para Impressionar seus Amigos

Hominy recipe with caramelized pine nuts.

This recipe yields 10 to 15 servings.



  • 500 grams of white hominy
  • Water
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Cloves (5 units)
  • Peel of a small orange
  • A can of condensed milk
  • A cup of shelled chopped pine nuts
  • Two cups of sugar.


  • Cook the hominy with the water, cloves, cinnamon and orange peel in a pressure cooker for about 40 minutes. After it is very soft, remove the orange peel and cloves.
  • Mix condensed milk and milk. Stir well to mix. Let it cook until the texture is very creamy. Place in a container and set aside.
  • In another pan, melt the cup of sugar. Add the pine nuts cut in half. Place in a greased pan or with baking paper. Once cool, cut into small pieces and place on top of the hominy. Serve immediately.

Mulled wine recipe.

3 Receitas Fáceis para Impressionar seus Amigos


  • Two apples cut into small pieces
  • A bottle of red wine (dry)
  • Two pears cut into small pieces
  • Peel of an orange
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml of water (warm)
  • Juice of a whole lemon
  • Anise, cinnamon and cloves to taste.


  • In a pan, dissolve the sugar in warm water and mix well.
  • Bring this mixture to a boil with the spices you prefer, lemon juice and orange peel and let it cook. This will all turn to caramel very quickly.
  • When the caramel is good, add the bottle of wine little by little and dilute it with a little water too. Let it boil for about 5 minutes.
  • After that, add the fruits with the heat off. Serve while still hot.

Green broth recipe

Ingredient list:

  • A whole onion chopped into cubes
  • 200 grams of cut sausage (smoked pepperoni)
  • 1 whole butter cabbage, cut into thin pieces
  • 1 cup chopped green onion
  • 500 grams of potatoes, cut into cubes and peeled
  • Water
  • Olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste.


  • Cut the pepperoni, onion, chives and set aside. Chop the cabbage too.
  • Put the potatoes already cut into cubes and without skin to cook until they are very soft. After that, blend the cabbage with the potatoes in a blender.
  • Fry the pepperoni with the olive oil in a pan. Use onion and garlic to sauté together with the sausage.
  • Take the cream that you blended in the blender and mix it with the sautéed sausage. Mix and let it boil a little.
  • Ready, serve while still hot. If you want, use toast to accompany it.

Test these recipes and invite your friends to try them with you!

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