5 Dicas Para Organização e Gerenciamento dos Estudos. - Criativo News

5 Tips for Organizing and Managing Studies.


A person's organization is the ability to maintain order and have ease with the sequence of planned actions. Therefore, see the 5 tips for organizing and managing studies.

However, the flexibility of remote study, for example, frees you from the constraints of a physical classroom. This allows you to have a schedule of daily tasks, in the midst of a work routine and family commitments. However, all this convenience and flexibility can leave you with many options for how, when and where to study.


Therefore, these study organization and management tips, will help ensure you stay on top of everything. This means having more balance, success at work, with family and with online classes. Because through an organizational culture, it makes it possible to achieve objectives that would perhaps be unattainable.

5 Dicas Para Organização e Gerenciamento dos Estudos

Look for a Quiet Environment to Study.

When you study remotely, that is, online or from home, the study environment will be your classroom. Therefore, the chosen place should be as silent as possible and free from distractions.


However, it also needs to be a comfortable space. Well, you may spend a good part of your day there, taking notes by hand or even on a computer.

The reason why the environment is peaceful and comfortable is that we are also in the age of technology. So, as classes can be recorded or live, if you need to turn on your webcam, the environment we mentioned will already be prepared.

Therefore, the remote studies, has its advantages, such as studying from the comfort of your home. Therefore, you must pay attention to what the other participants and the teacher will see through your webcam.

Create a Productive Environment to Study.

This is a somewhat difficult task. Because when creating a comfortable and peaceful environment, it can be tempting for you to feel too relaxed. However, if the chosen study environment is related to activities such as eating, watching TV or sleeping, it is likely to not be ideal.

Therefore, as we mentioned previously, choosing and creating the environment is fundamental for learning. So, this needs to be paid extra attention. Because when we spend a lot of time in a single environment, our brain begins to make associations.

However, in a more productive study space, you will feel more focused.

Now, if the environment you chose cannot have the characteristics we guide here, then focus on the organization. Because in a space with a organizational culture, you will have no distractions.

However, whenever you study, you will find an environment prepared to focus. Another tip is for studying moments away from home. Always make sure you have your cell phone and laptop chargers with you.  

Organizing the Files.

We can say that organization is a very important point in relation to studies or any other activity. Therefore, your files with study materials must be easily accessible. This applies to printed or even digital materials.

Separate the files on your computer into folders named with descriptive names, to make identification even easier.

Manage Your Time Goodly.

When signing up for an online course, schedule daily tasks. However, this tip is valuable for organizing and managing studies. Because, as we often have busy routines, having a study schedule and daily tasks will contribute to high performance.  

Hang a calendar in your study space. Fill it according to your schedule, this can further increase your productivity. Therefore, an organizational culture of schedules will help to set aside time for other areas of your life.

Nothing Beats Routine.

The study routine is a way of directing the student's daily life in preparation for exams and a professional career. Furthermore, establishing rules and schedules for activities brings discipline and contributes greatly to your performance in general.

So, having a routine will increase your chances of always focusing on what needs to be done. Once you have a well-defined study plan, make a schedule for each course or activity to be carried out. Include blocks of time for study and regular reading.

Use an old-school paper planner if that works better for you. But if you prefer something digital, there are currently several applications for organizing and managing studies.

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