7 Benefícios ao Utilizar um Tripé para Fotografar. - Criativo News

7 Benefits of Using a Tripod to Photograph.


Every photographer needs a tripod. These three-legged stands help you stabilize your photos and capture the perfect shot. So, get to know the 7 benefits of using a tripod for photography.

However, tripods are equipment with varied benefits, and that every photographer needs. Therefore, this equipment is recommended by photographers, regardless of their level of photography.

So, let's discuss the benefits of using a tripod in photography and give some tips on how to use a tripod to get the best results.


7 Benefícios ao Utilizar um Tripé para Fotografar

What is a Tripod? 7 Benefits of Using a Tripod to Photograph.

If you're new to photography, you may need a quick study of tripods before we start looking at how they can help you in your everyday life.

So this three-legged accessory with a head on top that serves as a platform for an object. So, in this case of photography, the object is a camera. Tripods provide stability, preventing a photo from becoming blurry.


Tripods come in all sizes and materials, with various accessories and adjustment options. However, aluminum tripods are affordable but not the most stable option for shooting in windy places. 

However, there are also carbon tripods that are more stable.

Today, several types of tripod heads are available on the market and can be purchased separately. But where is the head of a tripod located? The head is where you attach the camera.

The central column and tripod legs can also be purchased individually. You can adjust them for the terrain as well to help get the composition and framing you want.

What are the Benefits of Using a Tripod?

Here we mention the 7 benefits of using a tripod to photograph, so check them out below.

1. Improves Stability When Shooting.

Therefore, the main reason photographers use tripods is stability. Camera stabilization is essential for various types of techniques.  

So, we can mention some techniques such as long exposure, low-light photography and HDR photography, which we will discuss in more detail later.

It prevents camera movement on the part of the photographer, taking into account the physical workload that can result in shaky photos, especially during an extended session.

2. Optimization of Time and Flexibility for Photographing.

However, adjusting a tripod can be a time-consuming process. This will take a little time. Therefore, it will allow you more time to observe the environment and change the positioning of the camera. 

So this can result in a more well thought out composition, which will make your photos more beautiful.

3. Allows you to take photos even in low light.

To take a good photo, in low light environments, such as blue hour or night photography, you will have to get the right exposure. There are three tools at our disposal to control exposure: ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

When the environment you're working in is darker, you want to capture as much light as possible. To do this, you can increase the ISO, but this will result in noisy/grainy images. 

However, you can increase the aperture, but this will lead to a shallow depth of field. Therefore, you need to use the shutter more slowly. That's where a tripod will save your day.

To get a good photo with a slower shutter speed, the camera needs to be completely still. Because even the slightest movement of your hand can cause a blurry image. 

So, fixing the camera on a tripod is the best way to avoid any kind of shake.

7 Benefícios ao Utilizar um Tripé para Fotografar

4. Essential for Long Exposure Settings.

Long exposure means the camera shutter is open for a long period of time. However, it is also known as slow shutter speed. This allows more light to enter the lens for a longer period of time. 

If you want to capture movement, especially in low-light conditions, you will need to use a slow shutter speed of at least a few seconds or even minutes.

As previously mentioned, a slow shutter speed requires the camera to be completely still. You won't be able to hold the camera for long. So a tripod is essential for this technique.

If you want to focus on something moving in motion photography, you will need to move the camera during the shutter speed. Also called panoramic. 

However, moving the camera with a tripod head will better capture the target rather than holding it by hand, as the movement will be stabilized and more linear.

5. Best for Shooting in HDR.

High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography consists of at least two of the same photos in multiple exposures that are combined with editing software.

Therefore, this technique is used to balance compositions with strong contrast between light and dark parts.

These photos need to be aligned, and if you hold the camera with your hands, you won't achieve this. However, you can try to align them manually when editing. However, to save time and effort, use a tripod. 

Using a tripod, the camera's stationary position will allow you to capture exactly the same composition in each photo. Then all you need to do is change the intermediate exposure settings.

6. It will help with a Good Framing.

When holding a camera in your hands, the entire composition rests on your shoulders. When it's mounted on a tripod, it's almost as if the framing of the composition is decided for you. 

Now with this major decision out of the way, you can focus on making more subtle changes to the angle and position.

7. The Tripod is Multifunctional.

You can use certain tripods as a means to attach other equipment, like a ring light and light reflectors, for example. This can make setting up a photo shoot even more convenient.

Tips for Effective Tripod Use.

Therefore, using a tripod in photography is not as simple as connecting your camera and shooting. So here are some things you can take into consideration.

Be careful when extending the Tripod Legs and Center Column.

If you overextend the legs or center column, the tripod will be more susceptible to wobble due to the additional height and weight of the camera on top. So keeping the highest point of the tripod as close to the ground as possible will result in a more stable center of gravity.

You can also hang something heavy in the middle of the frame that connects the legs to the center column. This will help maintain the tripod's center of gravity.

Keep your Camera Centered.

The weight of the camera, if poorly adjusted on the tripod head, will make it unstable if it is not centered. If the ground is not level, adjust the legs to keep the tripod head in the middle.

It's Time to Purchase a Tripod.

So, with the camera stabilized, it will allow you to employ various photography techniques and methods, which would be difficult without a tripod. 

Therefore, we can say that a tripod can make all the difference in the quality of your photos, so perhaps it's time to purchase yours.

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