Qual o Maior Animal Mamífero do Mundo? - Criativo News

What is the Largest Mammal in the World?


Let's find out together, in this article, what is the largest mammal in the world. So, can you imagine what this animal is? We can say, however, that even though it is a mammal, this animal is in the class of cetaceans.

Because it is the largest cetacean and the largest animal that has teeth. Its length can be up to 20 meters. As its distinguishing feature, the head of this cetacean has a waxy milky substance called spermaceti.


I assume you have never heard of this animal. His name is sperm whale. So, as already mentioned here, it is a large marine animal. It has a large square head and narrow jaws that are easy to identify.

Qual o Maior Animal Mamífero do Mundo

Is the Sperm Whale a Whale?

This one mammal is a cetacean, as well as whales and dolphins. Generally considered a whale, but does not belong to the so-called true (toothless) whale family.


Characteristics of the Sperm Whale.

Now that you know what the largest mammal in the world, let's find out more. The sperm whale is also known as the chacharréu. It is the largest mammal in the world. So, it can reach up to 20 meters in length, and weigh more than 40 tons.

However, the life expectancy of this water monster is 60 to 70 years.

Where Sperm Whales Live.

The sperm whale is one of the most cosmopolitan species (it can be found practically anywhere in the world). Therefore, they are found in all oceans and the Mediterranean.

In this case, they are also relatively abundant between the North Pole and the Equator. In Brazil, they have already been seen in large numbers, but in the city of Paraty, in Rio de Janeiro.

How Many Sperm Whales Are There?

Currently, it is possible to find sperm whales in all the Oceans. So, sperm whales are spread all over the world.

They usually live in groups, with around 15 to 20 individuals. But adult males can be seen both in tropical waters and in colder regions, including the poles.


Female sperm whales reach the reproduction phase between the ages of 7 and 13 years. However, males reach between the ages of 18 and 21.

The gestation period is very long, reaching 16 months. Cubs are about 4 m long at birth and weigh more than 1 ton.

However, as strange as it may be to think, female sperm whales still breastfeed their calves. Breastfeeding can last from 1.6 years to 3.5 years. The average interval between reproduction is 4 to 6 years.


What will these sea monsters eat? Sperm whales feed on squid, octopus and fish, including rays and the fearsome sharks, as well as crustaceans.

Sperm whales produce a substance called ambergris in their digestive system, which is the same as that formed around the beak of undigested squid.

In the past, this was a substance used to make perfumes and cosmetics. However, today times are different. Sperm whales have one of the oldest and most sustained developmental histories among cetaceans.

So, did you like what you found so far? Now share it with your friends and tell them everything you learned with us.

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