7 Curiosidades Sobre os Gatos Que Você Precisa Saber. - Criativo News

7 Fun Facts About Cats You Need to Know.


Cats are very charming, even when they are still small, they can occupy an entire house. So, discover in this article, the 7 interesting facts about cats that you need to know.

Games, activities and games are part of these felines' lives. Even if you know cats well, there are some interesting facts about them that you may not know.


So, together, let's better understand this intelligent and interesting little animal. Find out what they like most, how they give and receive affection and other interesting facts.

7 Curiosidades Sobre os Gatos Que Você Precisa Saber

1. How to Make a Cafuné.

The cafuné is in first place among the 7 interesting facts about cats that you need to know.


So, if you are used to dogs, you might notice that cats are very different. However, cats only like to have belly rubs from people closest to them.

Otherwise, this cafuné should start on the head and neck. This is the place that cats most like to receive cuddles.

2. Cats Like to Give Gifts.

Yes, one of interesting facts about cats, is that they give gifts to people they care about. Therefore, they will hunt small animals, which could be a cockroach, a mouse, etc.

So, normally they hunt, and share the hunt with their owner. But is this true? Yes, if a cat brings a dead animal to your bed, for example, consider that a good thing.

3. They like to sleep a lot.

Anyone who has ever had cats at home must have noticed that they like to find a place to sleep. If you've ever thought that your cat spends more time sleeping than awake, you're right.

Therefore, most cats sleep between 13 and 18 hours. Yes, they can sleep up to 18 hours or more a day. When a cat gets old or is still a baby, it can take a 20-hour nap.

4. Cats' Night Routine.

Although your cat will sleep with you, one of the interesting facts about cats is that they are animals with very nocturnal habits. Therefore, it is normal for them to stay awake all night, and even watch the movement outside through the window.

On cold days, this behavior may change. So on cold nights, kittens may prefer to stay under the blanket rather than getting up to see what's going on elsewhere in the house.

5. Cats Are Curious Animals.

Therefore, the fact that they are territorial animals can explain all this curiosity. And this makes cats a very interesting animal, because to amuse them, just make different sounds or shake any object, and they will quickly approach it to see what it is.

6. Caress your loved one.

Another characteristic of cats is the behavior of kneading or caressing their owner. This habit has been part of these animals' lives since they were small puppies.

Therefore, at this stage, they present this behavior to stimulate the flow of milk during breastfeeding.

So, when they grow up, they do this to mark their territory, leave scents and interact with the people closest to them.

7. They make a strange noise.

Finally, it's important to talk about cats' purring. This strange noise can be heard by those who don't know the species. However, this purring expresses joy and is usually done when they receive someone's affection.

So, would you like to know the 7 interesting facts about cats? Stay with us and learn much more. Do not forget to share with your friends!

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