Descubra Como Ser o Melhor Amigo do Seu Cachorro. - Criativo News

Discover How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend.


Having a dog is one of the most meaningful things we can do. So, read this article and Discover how to be your dog's best friend. Because they are friends, loyal, affectionate, not at all petty, and they repay all our concerns with love and company.

Caring for pets requires some care, time and dedication very important. It's important to know that we humans have habits that dogs may not like, which end up making these cute dogs feel stressed or sad.


We must change these habits as quickly as possible so that our coexistence with them is the best. See the following habits, which tend to irritate dogs.

Descubra Como Ser o Melhor Amigo do Seu Cachorro

Use More Words Than Gestures.

Dogs can't understand most of what we're saying. The easiest thing for them to understand is our body language. If we gesture at the same time, they may even understand some words.


This is very important, especially when they do something wrong and we want to scold them. If we don't have to physically prove it, just complain, they will never understand what they did wrong.

Hug All the Time.

We humans like tight hugs from our loved ones. But unlike us, most dogs don't like it. Dogs generally see hugs as a threat and think that a simple hug is synonymous with domination.

But, of course, every rule has its exceptions, and not all dogs feel this way. Some dogs even tolerate being hugged, others become very aggressive and feel very uncomfortable about it.

It's important to note that this depends on how close you are to the dog you are hugging. Therefore, it is best to avoid very close contact with dogs, which you have never touched or barely touched.

Affection on the Face.

Most puppies don't like to be petted, especially by strangers. Like us, they think it's an invasion of space, and when we try to touch their face, they tend to tilt their head back.

In the meantime, find out how to be your dog's best friend. Well, people do some things that we think are normal, and dogs don't like them.

Force Him to Interact with Other Animals or People.

Dogs have their best friends, and some people and other dogs are more inclined to like them. On the other hand, they also have their hostility and often make it clear.

It is important not to force your pet to have an unwanted relationship like this. So, for example, take your dog to a park, and don't force him to play with another dog he obviously doesn't like. However, make him comfortable and interact little by little.

Encouraging a shy or scared dog to socialize is one thing, and forcing him to be unwelcome is another. Always remember that they are individuals.

Hurrying on the Promenade.

Yes, sometimes simple walks can be annoying, which is why dogs often stop on the street to sniff things.

The important thing is not to pull the dog without giving him the opportunity to explore the path and letting him meet his needs at will. Because walking time is an important part of your day.

Keep Your Leash Very Short.

By leaving the leash too short, the dog will think we are nervous. Many people have this habit because sometimes the dog pulls on the leash a lot when walking.

But keeping it too short is not good because it will end up making the dog scared, painful and uncomfortable. So, find out how to be your dog's best friend. However, pay attention to the signs your pet will give, showing that it is not comfortable in certain situations.

Treat Him Like a Child.

Many humans treat their animals like babies. Yes, they are so cute that we want to spoil them like we treat children. But they just hate it. Boots, strollers and everyday clothes are just a few things that dogs don't like and many owners insist on.

Dogs need good treatment, but they should not be treated like children.

Don't Pay Attention To Them.

Dogs are companion animals. They'll miss you when you're gone all day. When the owner comes home without paying attention to the animal, it is very sad.

That's what people do and dogs don't like it. They feel lonely and are usually very attached to people at home. Therefore, never stop petting and paying attention to your puppy.

Don't Create Rules.

Dogs need rules. Sometimes we think that rules will make a dog's life boring, but the reality is different. They need to follow a set of commands to live well.

For example, starting when they are puppies, dogs need to know that they cannot play with certain objects, nor can they damage things, to avoid problems in the future. Their lives, like our lives, must be orderly.

Finally, if you like your pet, pay attention to these tips. And if you like articles like this, stay with us.

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