10 Dicas Para Carregar a Bateria do Seu Smartphone Corretamente

10 Tips for Charging Your Smartphone Battery Correctly.


Do you charge your smartphone battery correctly? So, in this article you will discover that maybe you are doing it wrong. So learn from these 10 tips for charging your smartphone battery correctly.

One of the things that happens most these days is a lack of cell phone battery. But as our devices have become more powerful and technologically advanced, battery manufacturers have struggled to keep pace.


All those amazing apps and smart features, which come with cell phones today, drain your battery much faster than before. Because of this, it is sometimes necessary charge your battery two or even three times a day, especially if you use it a lot, and that's not feasible.

10 Dicas Para Carregar a Bateria do Seu Smartphone Corretamente

Maybe You Loaded It the Wrong Way.

So what is the solution? Well, it may seem obvious. But a surprising number of people don't know how to charge their phone properly.


However, when I say 'correctly' I mean in a way that maximizes battery life, both short and long term.

With that in mind, we've put together this list of 10 tips that will help you charge your phone more quickly and safely. So check it out below!

Do not Charge the 100% Battery.

You might have thought, that the best way to ensure your phone has enough power to keep it running throughout the day, is to charge it fully, up to 100%. Well, you would be wrong. Why? Two words: battery life.

However, you may not know it, but most modern smartphones have lithium-ion batteries. Therefore, these batteries do not respond well when charged to maximum capacity.

I won't discourage you with the reason for this, it's too complex and technical to go into this subject. Well, believe me, this is serious. If you charge them up to 100%, it will cause minor damage to the battery, and over time, reduce its lifespan.

There is a difference between batteries.

So, if you do this regularly, after a few hundred charges, the battery life will definitely be reduced. Now, the 10 tips for charging your smartphone battery correctly will start to make sense.

However, the good news is that partial charges do not cause any damage to lithium-ion batteries. Therefore, try to do frequent, short charges of 10% to 20% at a time if possible. If this is not possible, just unplug the charger before it reaches 100%.

The exception to all this is if your cell phone has a nickel-based battery. Nickel batteries actually benefit from the total opposite, due to something called the “memory effect”. This refers to when a battery “forgets” its full capacity if it has never been charged.

For example, if you only charge up to 80%, it may forget the other 20% over time. It seems strange, I know. Fortunately, you probably don't need to worry about this too much, as few modern phones still have nickel-based batteries.

Do not use the battery charge until you turn off your cell phone.

Just like you should never let your phone charge up to 100%, you also shouldn't let it run out until it turns off. In fact, this damages the battery little by little, which will cause its useful life to decrease in the long term.

Try charging your smartphone battery whenever it reaches 25% of charge.

If you want to be really safe about this, keep your battery charged between 65% -75% at all times, as research shows this is the ideal amount to maintain battery life.

Charge the Battery as Quickly as Possible.

If you can't prevent your phone's battery from running out, try charging it again as soon as possible. Because if you leave it in 0% for too long, it could die completely.

By this I mean completely losing the ability to hold a charge and refusing to turn back on even when plugged in.

But of course, this won't happen in a few hours or even a few days. We are talking about a phone that lasts for months with 0% of charge. Typically, this happens with cell phones forgotten in drawers.

So if that's the case, remember to charge it back up, at about 50% every now and then to prevent the battery from running out.

Use Fast Chargers.

All chargers are not created equal. It is possible to get 'turbo chargers' that are capable of charging your smartphone, faster than normal ones. But, only if your phone supports fast charging.

Many new models do, so if you have one of these devices, pair it with a fast charger and you'll be able to charge it much faster.

Valuable Tip: Charge the Battery With the Device Turned Off.

However, it may seem obvious but it is worth mentioning. Because most people still use their phone while it is charging. If you can, go without it for a few minutes and turn it off.

It will charge much faster as there will be less things consuming the battery while charging.

Do not use it while charging.

If you really can't turn it off, maybe you're waiting for an important call, so at least stop playing it. A smartphone's screen is generally what consumes the battery the most. So, try leaving it alone and the battery will charge much faster.

10 Dicas Para Carregar a Bateria do Seu Smartphone Corretamente

Use Airplane Mode.

If you can't turn it off and can't stop fidgeting while charging, then turn on airplane mode. This will prevent things like Wi-Fi, GPS and 4G from draining your battery, and this will make the battery charge faster. You should also close any apps you are not using.

Prefer a wall socket.

If you only rely on the USB cable to charge your smartphone, it won't charge as quickly. Instead of plugging it into your laptop, for example, plug it into a wall for maximum speed.

However, if you don't have a wall plug and need to use USB, at least use a USB 3.0 port. Because it will charge faster than a USB 2.0.

Very calm at this time.

Batteries charge more slowly when they are hot. Therefore, you can reduce the time it takes to charge the battery by keeping it cool while charging. This means removing any accessories, like cell phone cases, that could get caught in the heat.

It also means charging it in a cool room away from direct sunlight.

Get a Portable Charger.

So the final tip is a bit of a cheat. It's not exactly a way to charge your phone faster per se. But, it is a way to prevent the battery from running out completely and charge it wherever they are.

Get a portable charger and take it to work or wherever you spend the day. This way, if the battery starts to run low, you can recharge it before it reaches 0%, even if there is no outlet nearby.

So, these are the 10 tips for charging your smartphone battery correctly. Have fun and remember, don't let your battery ruin your day!

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