Velocidade de Internet – Saiba Como Testar sua Internet. - Criativo News

Internet Speed – Learn How to Test Your Internet.


Currently doing a internet speed test, is a good way to find how to fix possible connection errors. Therefore, the services provided generally show lower performance than expected. Therefore, technology is there to help internet users. Many applications and websites already perform these tests.

This way, the tests show the connection performance related to the connection rate. download and upload. The “My Connection” website is an example of those that carry out this internet speed test. Its behavior is as if it were a speedometer, but on the internet.


However, so that you can know whether the speed of your internet is good, it shows an average for your city. For example, each user's average Internet speed. This is very useful for analyzing the quality of the contracted service.

Velocidade de Internet – Saiba Como Testar sua Internet

The Internet and its Evolution.

With the emergence of the internet in the 90s, a great revolution took place in the media. However, after the year 2000, the internet took off and gained massive scale. However, the internet ended up generating enormous potential in world Wide Web.


Therefore, this is a somewhat essential means of communication. But who would have thought that today would be like this, right? Well, in the past, we used dial-up internet. However, you needed to have a telephone line to use the internet, which made it a bit expensive.

And believe it or not, the connection speed at that time was only 15 KB. Now, just to compare, engineers from a technology center in Japan managed to break the record for the highest fiber optic internet speed by recording 319 terabits per second. This is amazing!

However, this happened because over the years, internet connections have evolved exponentially. Therefore, the internet has shown increasingly faster speeds.

Internet Speed – See How the Test Works.

Internet speed tests are there to help us. However, as previously mentioned, the Minha Conexão website is very complete and helps a lot in this matter. Well, the internet connection tests carried out by him are quite accurate. In addition, you can also see the latency and average internet speed in your city.

So, to perform the test, simply access the website using the device connected to the network to be tested. Well, the Minha Conexão website will find your location automatically. Therefore, soon after, the site will do the test and show the metrics for both download and upload.

But, to ensure the accuracy of your internet speed test, the site sends several data simultaneously. With this, it simulates the user's natural navigation, thus being more accurate in the result.

Countries With the Highest Internet Speed.

  • South Korea.
  • Norway.
  • Sweden.
  • Switzerland.
  • Japan.
  • Singapore.
  • Finland.
  • Netherlands.
  • U.S.

Currently, the internet is already spread across most countries around the world. However, it can be said that the most accessible regions with internet connections are: East, Asia, and northern Europe. And we cannot forget the United States, which is the highlight of the Americas.


It can be said, then, that the Minha Conexão website offers a lot of relevant information for users during internet speed tests. However, there are also other sites that do this same test. These sites are: Speed Test, Brasil Banda Larga, among others.

So, have you tested your internet speed today? Now you know how to do this. So, access the sites we mentioned and test your internet connection right now. See if your internet speed is on average for your city.  

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