Como Aumentar o Score – Veja as Dicas - Criativo News

How to Increase your Score – See the Tips


Do you know what a score is? Are you researching about how to increase the score? Basically, the score is a score created by Serasa. However, this score ranges from 0 to 1000 points and represents your financial health. However, your score shows how likely you are to pay your bills on time.

Therefore, if you are looking for a line of credit, the first important tip is to keep your accounts up to date. This will help to increase your score. But it's worth remembering that it's not just that, it's a set of successes. So, today we're going to give you some tips on how to pay off your debts and what you can do to increase your score.


However, after negotiating the debts and paying a first installment, your name and CPF are removed from the default lists, such as the Serasa and the SPC. However, this period may take up to five business days after payment. Then, if everything is ok, your score will increase again.

Como Aumentar o Score – Veja as Dicas

How to Increase Your Score – Check Out These 2 Tips.

First Tip – Checking that your name is clean is essential. But, do you know how to do this? Therefore, you just need to access the serasa consumer website. However, you can make this consultation free of charge.


After checking, and showing debts in your name, you have to organize yourself, and as quickly as possible, pay off these debts you have. Because, with a dirty name, your score will always remain very low. Therefore, a low score shows companies that you are not a good payer. However, you will not have lines of credit on the market.

Second Tip – However, another very important tip is to register positively. Positive registration is a financial registration model established by Law 12,414/2011. Therefore, it allows companies from which you apply for credit to see how you are performing financially.

Now, pay attention! There is no point in registering positively and delaying paying your bills. So to reduce the chance of this happening, leave as many accounts as automatic debit. For example, electricity, internet and telephone bills. This tip makes all the difference in your score.

Find out how the Score Works.

As mentioned above, the score is based on your financial history. So, Serasa simply uses this information to understand who you are financially and your history, to better guide companies.

Therefore, having healthy things and purchases in your name can also increase your score.

Another valuable tip is to keep your registration data always up to date. So, check that everything is correct, such as your address, telephone number, etc. However, this won't make it increase so significantly, but it will help you a lot. Because as was said at the beginning, to increase the score, it is a series of successes. However, to maintain a healthy score and always up there, never commit more than 20% of your income to debt.

How to Keep Control of Finances.

Parcels of various things that we acquire form a snowball. So, if it exceeds 20% of what we earn, it is a yellow sign for you to be careful. Well, you can pass it on to Serasa, as you are starting to lose control over your finances. So pay attention, whenever you want to buy something, save some money first. Purchases paid in cash generally have good discounts.

Bonus Tip – How to Increase Your Score

Never lend your name to other people. Well, if someone needs your name, it's probably because they have a dirty name because they haven't paid their own debts.

However, it can be risky to lend your name to someone else. If you want to help the person, there are other ways to do this.

So, get financially organized and follow all the tips to increase your score. However, the increase will not be magical. But, following our tips, over time you will be able to see the results.

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