Aplicativos Para Malhar em Casa e Ficar em Forma

Apps to Work Out at Home and Stay in Shape.


Now you have no more excuses for not exercising. Well, in this article we will present the best apps to work out at home and stay in shape. That's what you read. Just by using your smartphone and downloading the apps, you will be able to live a healthier life and stay in shape. 

However, we always need to be well mentally and physically. However, exercising is valid for both aesthetics and health. Therefore, regardless of how old you are, physical activity is always important in your daily life. Therefore, we will help you create a healthy habit in your routine.


However, it is not enough to know what applications are and just download them. You will need a lot of dedication to move forward and get out of a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, read this article until the end to learn more about the apps to work out at home and stay in shape.  

Aplicativos Para Malhar em Casa e Ficar em Forma

How to Create a Physical Activity Routine.

We cannot deny that at the beginning it is very difficult to adapt to an exercise and physical activity routine. However, we know that exercising makes us feel better throughout the day. Therefore, by practicing exercise and physical activity, it seems that our day becomes lighter and more productive.


However, one of the most common excuses we make when creating healthy habits is always a lack of time. So now you have no more excuses. Well, the solution is in your hands, just a touch away. In other words, your cell phone.

So let's take advantage, since most of the time, we have them in our hands. By accessing the app store on your cell phone, you can download one of the best apps for working out and staying in shape. However, you can exercise wherever you are. And you don't even have to leave the house to do it.

Train at Home and Stay in Shape with the BTFIT Personal Trainer Online App.

When it comes to apps for working out at home and getting in shape, this is one of the best right now. In addition to being an excellent app, it is also free. Therefore, you can now transform your home into a real gym.

As already said, lack of time is no longer an obstacle. Well, the app offers a series of activities and classes lasting just 20 minutes. Therefore, activities include: cardio dance, yoga, ballet fitness, among others. 

So, go to the app store on your smartphone right now and download the app. It is available on the App Store and Google Play Store for free.

Get in shape with the Endomondo App.

This application has a very cool interface. And in addition to contributing to an exercise and physical activity routine, with it you can share your activities with friends on social networks

However, for this to be possible, they will have to download the same App. This way, your friends will be able to follow all your results and processes. The Endomondo app is a free walking and physical activity monitoring app for Android and IOS smartphones. 

With this App, you can record runs, walks, cycles and various other outdoor exercises. The coolest thing is that after the activities are completed, as previously mentioned, you can share them with your friends on the main social networks.

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Other Apps for Training at Home that Work.

All applications presented here in this article have been tested by our team. However, you may become more familiar with one than the other. But, the fact is that they help us work out anywhere. Both outdoors and at home.

However, we have separated some more application names, so that you can get the best result. 

  • Nike Training Club.
  • Freeletics Bodyweight.
  • Runtastic.
  • FitNotes.
  • Google Fit.
  • 30 day challenge.


In today's article, you just checked out which are the best apps for working out at home and staying in shape. However, it doesn't matter if you are already a veteran or a simple beginner. What really matters is your dedication to performing physical activities. 

However, when testing the applications, you may notice that each of them has a different level. Therefore, as already said, it is possible that you identify with just one. 

So, access your app store right now. And download the one you identify with the most. But, always remember that, when exercising and physical activities, it is good to drink plenty of water. 

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