Cadastro Auxílio Brasil - Saiba Quem Tem Direito

Auxílio Brasil Registration – Find out who is entitled.


Do you know how to make the new Auxílio Brasil registration? Currently, this is the most talked about topic in the media and among the entire low-income population. However, Auxilio Brasil is the former Bolsa Família. However, the fact is that this change has generated some concerns among former beneficiaries of the program. 

However, this type of worry is supernormal. Because, with the advancement of the internet and a lot of fake news circulating, it ended up leaving the beneficiaries of the old Bolsa Família a little confused. In this way, the Brazil Aid It will still arouse a lot of interest among the entire Brazilian population in the coming months.


Therefore, to know how to do the Brazil Aid registration, knowing who is entitled and much more, it is important that you read this article until the end. This way, you will also discover the relationship between Brazilian aid and the old Bolsa Família.

Cadastro Auxílio Brasil - Saiba Quem Tem Direito

What is Auxilio Brasil and how does it work?

Basically, this aid is an income transfer program, carried out directly or indirectly, for low-income families in the country. In this way, helping these families to overcome their situation of social vulnerability.


However, all financial resources that will be sent to families registered in the Auxilio Brasil program are the responsibility of the Ministry of Citizenship. Therefore, in the last few days, all Brazilians have been able to closely follow a lot of information about the Auxilio Brasil calendar.

However, it is worth remembering that payment of the benefit is the responsibility of CAIXA. However, only families selected by the Ministry of Citizenship will be able to receive this assistance. Therefore, installments will be available every month, according to the program's payment schedule. 

Auxilio Brasil Program – Who Has the Right to Participate?

The rules for participating in the program are practically the same as the old Bolsa Família. In other words, low-income families that include pregnant women, children and young people aged 0 to 21. 

However, for these families to fit into the low-income profile, they must have a per capita income (amount per person) of 0 to R$ 200.00 per month. Therefore, this calculation is very simple to do. Just take all the income earned by the family and divide it by the number of people living in the house. 

Another requirement to be entitled to the Auxílio Brasil program is that the family must be registered in the single registry (CadÚnico) for Federal Government social programs. Therefore, it is important that the documents have been updated in the last 2 years. 

It is worth remembering that registration with Auxilio Brasil is only a prerequisite. Therefore, after registering, you will not have immediate entry into the program. However, the Ministry of Citizenship selects new families every month to enter the program and receive the benefit. 

Main Objectives of the Auxilio Brasil Program.

  • Promote citizenship, and with a guaranteed income, help thousands of families overcome social vulnerability. 
  • Its priority is the development of children and adolescents, through financial resources and supporting pregnant women and young people in situations of poverty. 
  • Promote the development of children early in their childhood. Thus, guiding and stimulating your skills in general. 
  • Expand care for these children in daycare centers. 
  • Encourage families to get out of the situation they find themselves in. 

Other Benefits That Are Part of the Program. 

  • Early Childhood Benefit.
  • Family Composition Benefit.
  • Overcoming Extreme Poverty Benefit.
  • Citizen Child Aid.
  • Transition Compensatory Benefit.
  • School Sports Aid.
  • Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship.
  • Rural Productive Inclusion Aid.
  • Urban Productive Inclusion Aid.

For more information access: Brazil Aid Program.

In November, Caixa Econômica Federal launched the government's newest application, the Auxilio Brasil App. In this way, the app will replace Bolsa Família. However, former beneficiaries will automatically be readjusted to the new program. 

Therefore, it is important to remember and for the beneficiary to know that it is necessary to download the new Auxilio Brasil App. So, access your online application store and download it on your smartphone right now. The app is available for both Android and IOS phones. Furthermore, it is very light and can be downloaded on most cell phones today. 

However, after downloading the application, the beneficiary of the Auxilio Brasil program will have access to all the necessary information. One of them is the payment schedule.  

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