Aplicativo Bíblia Infantil - Ensine as Crianças de Forma Divertida

Children's Bible Application – Teach Children in a Fun Way.


Nowadays, with technological advances, many things have changed in raising children. However, what most parents do not give up is passing on teachings about the word of God to their children. Therefore, there is children's bible app with God's teachings in a light and fun way for children.

According to some research, there are some obstacles that prevent reading nowadays, such as the high price of books or even little incentive to read. Therefore, with the aim of combining biblical teachings with technology, numerous companies have created applications for those children who have greater skills with cell phones.


However, the biggest enemy of reading, according to research, is the increasing use of social media. Nowadays, people tend to spend a lot of time on social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, among others. Therefore, it is necessary to follow technological advances very wisely.

Aplicativo Bíblia Infantil - Ensine as Crianças de Forma Divertida
Children's Bible App (Image: Canva Pro)

3 Best Children's Bible Apps.

The first application is Smilingüido. It contains several stories and videos, where children of different ages can see the adventures of Smilingüido and his entire gang. In these drawings, several little ants form a group of the most beloved in the Christian world, where they live inside an anthill in a Brazilian forest.


The second application is the Children's Bible. The application contains several stories in biblical texts and comics for children of different ages. In addition to being a great tool for those who are looking to read the Holy Bible.

And the third application is the Bible for Children. There are several adventures for interactions and beautiful animations. Furthermore, this application makes children learn the most famous biblical stories.

The Importance of These Applications for Children.

These stories teach children about universal values. Such as love, forgiveness, friendship, understanding and also the preservation of the environment.

Furthermore, it is currently much more common for children, even young ones, to enjoy watching a video, rather than having the habit of reading a verse from the Bible. So, Bible apps end up being a cooler way to read Bible verses daily.

This way, through colorful illustrations, animated stories, and interaction activities, it becomes much easier to learn and absorb information. One suggestion is to start with the book of Genesis. This way, children will be included in this biblical universe in a more fun way.

Furthermore, these biblical stories in app format are animated and have been quite popular with children. The purpose of the applications is to do everything to make learning more enjoyable.

Children's Bible Apps Are Ideal for Children.

It is good to remember that in the Play Store and Apple Store, there are several applications designed to teach children. Because, in the past, there were only cataloged versions of biblical verses in a traditional model and not at all fun, even for children.

Therefore, the ideal and most attractive way for children is for everything to be very colorful. In this way, it is simple to access so that it becomes more attractive than videos on YouTube. Therefore, this article shows that it is possible to talk about the word of God in a simple, creative and fun way.

Most apps have more than 300,000 reviews in the Play Store. In addition to having a score above 4 in the vast majority. However, the stories are told in a playful way and the videos are very colorful. This is what captures attention and ensures content retention. In other words, the way of learning the word of God with the children's bible app will never be the same for this new generation.


We know that this generation needs teachings like the ones we mentioned above. In this sense, the children's bible app can help little ones grow, and with the wisdom of the word, develop in the best way.

However, if you liked this article, share it with your best friends and help us reach more people, thus contributing to this biblical development.

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