Como Economizar Energia Elétrica – Aprenda Com Essas Dicas

How to Save Electricity – Learn With These Tips.


In fact, most people already know that keeping their accounts in order can be a difficult task. This, especially when the value of several items increases, but their salary does not. So, find out how to save electricity in your home.

So if you're one of the millions of people who have trouble keeping their accounts in order, don't worry. This is due to the simple fact that, when considering electrical energy, it has the potential to consume a significant portion of our salary. Therefore, we decided to put together some tips to help you reduce this cost.


In this case, once you reduce your expenses and save electricity, you will have more money at the end of the month. Therefore, this means that you will be able to finish the month without going into debt because of high energy tariffs.

Como Economizar Energia Elétrica – Aprenda Com Essas Dicas
Energy saving (Image: Canva Pro)

How is Energy Consumed Calculated?

However, we all already know one thing. In other words, the more time we spend with electronic devices connected to power, the more expensive the monthly energy bill will be. However, many people are unaware of how this cost is calculated.


Know that the answer to this is very simple. Well, each appliance has a type of power that is measured in Watts.

So, in order for you to have the general consumption of a specific electronic device in your home, you will need to calculate how much the device in question consumes every hour.

The fact is that many people don't understand this. However, performing this calculation is very important. This way, it will allow you to determine which electronic devices in your home consume the most energy and even determine which electronic devices consume the least energy.

Reduce the Usage Time of Electronic Devices.

It's important to remember, that by reducing the amount of money spent on energy bills, you are not only helping your bank account, but also helping the environment in general.



The first thing you should do with your lighting is ditch fluorescent bulbs in favor of LED bulbs. In this sense, LED lamps are approximately 65% more economical than fluorescent lamps. Not to mention that they last much longer.

If you want to make your home look brighter, it is highly recommended to paint the walls in lighter colors. In this sense, the light that enters the house is reflected and spreads throughout all environments.

Electric shower.

The shower, without a doubt, is one of the technological devices in your home that consumes the most energy. That is, even if it is used for less than an hour. According to experts, the best thing to do is avoid using it between 6pm and 9pm.

Another way to save energy is to always leave the summer option on. But, this works when it's not cold where you live. This way, the shower will consume much less energy than is necessary for the other options to be used.

In winter, the best option is to use solar-powered water heaters.

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