Passagens Baratas de Avião – Baixe o App Grátis

Cheap Plane Tickets – Download the Free App.


In this post, you will discover the best apps to compare cheap plane tickets and take advantage of the best opportunities on the market. Whether for an already planned trip or even for those last minute situations.

At the same time, it is worth checking out the packages that are on the rise, main features or even to avoid high costs charged by some airlines.


So, find out about the most famous apps in the segment, the advantages of each one and have the best on your cell phone, just a click away.

Passagens Baratas de Avião – Baixe o App Grátis
Plane Tickets (Image: Canva Pra)

Decolar – Airline Tickets and Hotel Reservations.

To begin with, Decolar is one of the most famous applications on the network, with an intuitive and simple interface that is super easy to use.


Thus, the app works by gathering data from the network and providing different options. In other words, you can compare prices from different airlines and choose the periods that interest you.

Another advantage is that you can also check prices for hotels, parks or tours available at your destination, so you can make financial reservations and plan everything.

Promo Tickets – National and International Travel.

If you want cheap plane tickets, Passagens Promo brings together the best options available on the market, from several national and international companies.

In short, the app works as an intermediary in the process, so you don't have to leave home or check thousands of different websites, even making the purchase directly.

It is worth highlighting that the app has one of the best ratings and has several quality seals, including ReclameAqui.


eDestinos – Plane Tickets that Suit You.

eDestinos is an app that brings together general information about the best airline tickets in a simplified interface.

So, all you need to do is define the travel days, round trip, destination location and origin. You then have access to the results, whether in Brazil or abroad.

Another advantage is that the app has a promotions tab, meaning if you don't have a destination yet, you can check out the options and take advantage of what's at a low price.

Skyscanner – Compare the Best Opportunities.

Skyscanner has several interesting features for those planning a trip, going beyond cheap plane tickets.

Therefore, you can enter travel information to compare ticket prices, but also evaluate the value of daily rates at hotels, companies and travel segments, promotions, alert functions and more.

A special advantage is the “multiple cities” function, so you can compare prices according to your final destination or make other stops.

Other App Options for Cheap Plane Tickets.

Finally, you can still choose some other apps, download and compare ticket prices to the destination of your dreams, such as Max Milhas, Momondo, Passagens Imperdíveis, Voopter, Kayak and so on.

However, some apps only provide information, directing you to official websites when making purchases, while others allow purchases directly. In other words, download the apps from your app store and compare.

But, to find out more, don't miss any of the posts here on Creative News, with tips on technology apps, curiosities and everything you should have on your device.

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