Vale Gás – Veja Como Fazer o Cadastro e Receber

Vale Gás – See How to Register and Receive.


O worth gas It is one of the best-known federal government benefits and was created with the aim of helping people who found it difficult to purchase cooking gas due to rising prices.

Therefore, if you want to know how the benefit works, reading this content until the end is essential.


Furthermore, we will show you how to register and, of course, who are the people who are entitled.

Vale Gás Program (Image: Google)

What is Vale Gás?

Considered one of the most important social benefits of 2022, the gas voucher aims to help vulnerable families buy cooking gas.


Therefore, the idea is to offer the benefit bimonthly. Therefore, if you receive it in October, it will not be paid in November and will only be paid again in December.

The value offered is 50% of the average price of a 13 kg cylinder in force at the time.

Why Was Vale Gás Created?

The Gas Valley was created with the aim of helping families who suffered significantly with the increase in cooking gas.

Thus, as a way to impact the price on the pockets of families in a state of vulnerability, the government decided to create the program.

The idea is to offer payment every other month, successively.

Who is entitled to the Gas Valley?

Those entitled to the gas voucher are people registered with Cadúnico and have an income of up to half the minimum wage (R$ 606.00) or a salary less than three minimum wages (R$ 3,636.00)

Families with an income greater than R $3,636.00 only receive the benefit if they are included in government income transfer programs.

Family members of the BPC – Continuous Payment Benefit also receive.

How to Sign Up to Receive the Gas Voucher?

In order for you to receive the benefit of the gas voucher, you must register with the Cadastro Único, also known as CadÚnico.

This is the government's database that aims to gather as much information as possible from the low-income population.

Therefore, to have a chance of receiving the benefit, you must register with CadÚnico.

How to Register for the Single Registry?

To register for the Single Registry, the person responsible must be over 16 years old and ideally a woman.

In addition, the person responsible for registering the family must bring their CPF and voter registration card.

It is essential that the family has a per capita income equal to or less than R $605.00, which is the value of half the minimum wage currently in force.

What are the Required Documents?

In addition to their own documents, those responsible need to take documents from the entire family.

Documents include CPF, ID, birth and marriage certificate, as well as work card, voter registration card and proof of residence.

It is important to remember that indigenous and quilombola families must present the RANI – Indigenous Administrative Birth Certificate.

How to Update Registration in the Single Registry to Receive the Gás Valley?

Even if you are registered with the Single Registry, you may still not be able to receive the benefit, as it needs to be updated.

In this case, you must download the Cadastro Único app and access it, click on “registered update for confirmation”.

The way to Login is by entering the CPF and password registered in your account.

Priority Rules for Receiving the Benefit.

Due to the queue to receive the Vale Gas benefit, the government then determined a priority list of people who can receive the benefit before others.

People with updated CadÚnico registration in the last two years receive priority, in addition to those with the lowest income.

Another criterion is the number of members in the family and whether the family receives Auxílio Brasil.

How is the Benefit Amount Calculated?

The value of the gas voucher is assessed in accordance with what is determined by the ANP – National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels.

Therefore, every month the agency publishes the average value of the last six months of a 13kg gas cylinder.

For this reason, you will notice that when you receive the benefit the value may be different, precisely due to the update of the monthly values.

What is the Calendar for Receiving the Gas Voucher?

The calendar for receiving the gas voucher in 2022 has already been determined and you can see it clicking here.

The dates to receive it vary according to your NIS number – Social Identification Number.

It is worth remembering that the months in which you receive the gas voucher alternate and the missing months are October and December 2022.

How to Receive the Gas Voucher?

To receive the gas voucher, you will need to use your Auxílio Brasil card, if you are in the program, or wait for your gas voucher card to be sent.

With it in hand, you can go to a lottery outlet, Caixa Aqui correspondents and Caixa terminals.

Insert your card, enter the created password and receive the benefit.

Caixa TEM application.

In addition to receiving payment at the locations above, you have the chance to use the money from your gas voucher from the Caixa Tem app.

Furthermore, from it you can make purchases in bakeries, pharmacies and supermarkets with the virtual debit card and QR Code.

The benefit is available in the account within 120 days, from the date of receipt.

How can I check if I am receiving the benefit?

To check the benefit, it's very simple, you can access the Auxílio Brasil app or Caixa Tem.

If the app is not available, you can call Caixa Customer Service on 111.

Finally, there is a third option which is telephone 121, where you contact the Ministry of Citizenship directly and using the options requested at the time, you can find out whether you will receive the benefit.

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