IPVA 2023 - Veja Como Consultar e Pagar Parcelado

IPVA 2023 – See How to Consult and Pay in Installments.


In 2023, the Motor Vehicle Ownership Tax (IPVA) will have its values changed. Above all, the tax rate IPVA 2023 has not been released yet, but it is important that vehicle owners are aware of the tax payment dates. In this article, we will show you how to check the value of IPVA 2023 and how to pay in installments.

IPVA is an annual tax charged by the state on the value of certain goods, such as automobiles. In this way, IPVA is used to finance the maintenance of public roads and other government services. Payment of IPVA is mandatory for all owners of land motor vehicles, with the exception of exempt vehicles. Furthermore, the IPVA due date varies depending on the State where the vehicle is registered.


In the State of São Paulo, for example, the IPVA 2023 will be charged from January 10th. In Rio de Janeiro, IPVA 2023 starts to be charged from January 1st. Payment can be made in a single installment until January 31st, with a discount of 5%. From February 1st, payment can only be paid in up to 4 interest-free installments.

IPVA 2023 - Veja Como Consultar e Pagar Parcelado
IPVA 2023 (Image: Canva Pro)

How does IPVA 2023 Payment Work?

In advance, the IPVA payment is made annually and must be made by January 31st. However, the taxpayer can choose to pay in cash, with a discount of 5%, or in installments. IPVA 2023 is now available for consultation and payment. 


However, the tax amount varies according to the state where the vehicle is registered and also the type of car. Therefore, to find out the value of your 2023 IPVA, simply access the website of your state's Treasury Department and enter your car's license plate number. 

You can also choose to pay the IPVA in installments. This is an option that many vehicle owners choose, as it makes paying the tax easier. To do this, simply go to a bank branch and request payment in installments.

As a new feature, the installment payment can be for up to 12 months, but may vary according to the bank chosen. To make the payment, simply access the website of your state's Treasury Department and follow the instructions. It is important to remember that failure to pay the IPVA results in fines and interest, in addition to the possible suspension of the vehicle.

How to Consult IPVA 2023?

IPVA is a tax levied annually by the state on motor vehicles. The IPVA value varies according to the state where the vehicle is registered and also depending on the type and model of the car.

To consult IPVA 2023:

You can access the official Detran website in your state. This way, you will have access to all the necessary information, such as tax amount, due dates and payment methods.

As stated above, you can also pay your 2023 IPVA in up to 12 installments, as long as you are up to date with the fees and taxes relating to your vehicle. To do this, simply go to a bank branch accredited by the Detran in your state.

How to Pay IPVA 2023 in Installments?

We know that IPVA is a tax charged annually by the state on motor vehicles. Payment of IPVA can be made in a single installment or in installments, and the amount to be paid varies according to the state where the vehicle is registered. However, it is important to remember that payment in a single installment usually has a discount on the total tax amount.

Making Payment in Installments: 

Through Sefaz, the taxpayer is entitled to a second copy of the IPVA 2023 bill, installments, new payment methods and other information. Therefore, it is always important to understand that if you wish to pay the IPVA in up to 12 installments, you can carry out the procedure using your credit card.

To check the amount of IPVA that must be paid in 2023, simply access the IPVA website. Treasury Secretariat of your state and provide your vehicle details. In addition, it is also possible to make inquiries using the Renavam number.

Once you have already consulted the value of the IPVA 2023, it is time to decide whether to pay in a single installment or in installments. To do this, simply choose the option that is best available at your current time.

In Rio de Janeiro, for example, IPVA 2023 starts to be charged from January 1st. Payment can be made in a single installment until January 31st, with a discount of 5%. From February 1st, payment can only be paid in up to 4 interest-free installments.

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