Kit Antena Digital Grátis

How to Request the Free Digital Antenna Kit?


With the advancement of technology, old satellite dishes were quickly replaced by digital antennas. However, the poorest population does not usually have access to such tools. Therefore, the Federal Government created the Free Digital Antenna Kit.

Due to the pandemic we are experiencing, the delivery of antenna kits has been suspended. However, the Federal Government resumed deliveries, even informing that all Brazilian capitals are able to make deliveries. In addition, it provides telephone access to facilitate the request. 


This way, if you have not yet requested your Digital Antenna Kit Free, don't worry! We will show you how to request this benefit, in addition to the information necessary for the request. Furthermore, we will show who is entitled to this kit offered by the Federal Government. 

Kit Antena Digital Grátis – Veja Como Solicitar
Digital Antenna Kit (Image: Canva Pro)

Who Can Receive the Free Digital Antenna Kit?

At first, it is worth mentioning that the Free Digital Antena Kit is intended for those registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). After registration, citizens will have access to various benefits and aids, including the Digital Antena Kit.


According to the Federal Government, the mission of this initiative is to offer higher quality kits for image and audio compression, offering greater quality to televisions for the Brazilian population, especially those with low incomes.

Furthermore, with the arrival of 5G in Brazil, the kit's mission will also be to enhance improvements in the television channels of those registered in the program. Basically, this technology allows CadÚnico users to have a different experience with open TV, when migrating from satellite and digital antennas.

The initiative is from the Federal Government with the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel). Also known as project “Follow Antenado”, it offers higher quality images and sounds on open channels, preventing common interference present in the satellite dish.

Where is the Digital Antenna Kit available?

With the expansion of 5G in Brazil, the Digital Antena Kit is now available in all Brazilian capitals. In this sense, it is worth mentioning that, in the past, the request for the kit was made in each municipality, but the new request must be made centrally.

How to Request the Free Digital Antenna Kit?

Requesting the Free Digital Antenna Kit has never been easier. Now, you can order your kit by calling 088 729 2404, which is the Anatel Customer Service Center.

On the other hand, it is also possible to order the kit online. To do this, simply access the Siga Antenado program website. To order your kit via the website, follow these steps:

  • Access the website of Follow Antenado;
  • On the main page, click on the “Free kit distribution program” option
  • Then click on the “Schedule here” option;
  • In the new tab, enter your Social Identification Number (NIS) or CPF to begin the request;
  • Then, enter the necessary data to continue;
  • Finally, answer the kit request questionnaire.

In this sense, you must inform the best day and time for the technician to appear. So, just wait for the responsible professional to deliver and install your kit.

Final considerations.

The Free Digital Antenna Kit program is an excellent tool to help people receive TV channels for free. It is easy to install and configure, and offers quality services for those who want to obtain digital TV signals. 

The program has been successful in helping people get free digital TV channels, allowing them access to a variety of free content. With this program, people can enjoy more content safely and effectively, while maintaining their free digital television services.

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