Consultar Velocidade de Internet com o Aplicativo Grátis

Check Internet Speed with the Free App


Before you call your carrier or think about changing your plan, did you know that you can check internet speed directly from your smartphone? Yes, this is a reality within everyone's reach. Thanks to the app revolution, we can now check our connection in just a few clicks. And best of all, for free.

Therefore, with the growing need to be online, many people are looking for the best browsing experience. After all, who has never been frustrated by a slow connection while trying to watch a video, play online or make an important video call?


In this article, you will find out how to check the speed of your internet connection, you will understand the main resources available and will also learn about the best applications for this purpose. So if your connection is slow or you simply want to confirm you're getting what you pay for, read on.

Consultar Velocidade de Internet com o Aplicativo Grátis
Check Internet Speed (Image: Google)

How to Check Internet Speed?

Over the years, the way to measure internet speed has become more accessible. In the past, assessments were more technical and required certain computer knowledge. These days, all you need is a smartphone or computer.


Most applications work in a similar way: when starting a test, they will send and receive data packets from specific servers, thus measuring the upload speed and download your connection.

Additionally, many of these apps also provide information about latency, which is the time it takes for a data packet to travel from your device to the server and vice versa.

Main Features of the Application

Internet speed test apps are more than just meters. Therefore, they offer a variety of features including:

  • Upload and Download Measurement: This is the main feature and shows the speed at which you can download or send information.
  • Ping and Latency: Essential for those who play online or make video calls. The smaller the better.
  • Test History: Allows you to monitor your connection performance over time.
  • Choosing Servers: Some applications allow you to choose specific servers to perform tests, which can provide more accurate results depending on your location.

Best Apps to Check Internet Speed

There are countless apps for testing internet speed on the market, but here we will highlight the most popular and reliable ones:

  • Speedtest by Ookla: Probably the best known worldwide. It has a user-friendly interface and offers the option to choose servers.
  • Developed by Netflix, this app is extremely simple and straightforward, only showing download speed, which is the most relevant for streaming.
  • Meteor: In addition to measuring speed, it evaluates how this performance affects the use of other popular applications.
  • V-SPEED Speed Test: Offers advanced details and customization options, ideal for those looking for deeper information.

How to Download and Install for Free

Most of the apps mentioned are available for both Android and iOS. However, simply access your smartphone's application store, search for the name of the desired application and click on “Install” or “Get”.

Download and installation are automatic. Therefore, once installed, open the app and follow the instructions to start and test your internet speed.

Final Consideration

In this article, you learned the importance of check internet speed and the benefits of doing this regularly. However, he also learned about the main features of the applications and the best available on the market.

Now, you are well equipped to ensure your connection is always at its best performance. Remember that, in addition to checking your internet speed, it's vital to keep your devices updated and in good repair for a complete online experience.

If you liked this information, we invite you to continue browsing other categories within our website, where you will find even more tips and valuable information.

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