Antena Digital do Programa Siga Antenado

Digital Antenna of the Siga Antenado Program


In modern times, the Digital antenna has become an essential tool for many Brazilian families. Therefore, the search for clearer images free from common interference from analogue antennas has led many to decide to migrate to digital TV.

However, not everyone can afford these antennas. Therefore, this is where the Siga Antenado Program comes in, an initiative that aims to facilitate access to digital antenna for those who need it most, free of charge.


In this article, you will discover how to request your kit, you will understand who is entitled and how to register. Keep reading and stay up to date!

How to Request the Government Digital Antenna Kit?

When it comes to the Digital antenna, many do not know that the government offers a kit for low-income families. This kit consists of an antenna, a converter and a remote control.


Ordering this kit is a simple and straightforward process. Therefore, it is first essential to check whether your family meets the criteria established by the government.

After confirmation, you can access the official website of the Siga Antenado Program and fill out a form with your personal data. After submission, a protocol number will be generated, which must be kept for future consultation.

This way, within a few days you will be notified about the date and place to collect your digital antenna kit.

Am I entitled to the Digital Antenna Kit?

This is one of the most common questions among interested parties. The digital antenna kit is aimed mainly at families registered with CadÚnico and who are beneficiaries of government social programs, such as Bolsa Família.

Furthermore, the monthly family income per person must be up to half the minimum wage. It is worth remembering that the kit is limited to one unit per family, regardless of the number of TVs in the home.

If your family meets these criteria, you are entitled to the kit and can continue the request process. Also check if you are eligible over the phone 0800 729 2404.

CadÚnico Antenna Kit How to Order?

CadÚnico, or Single Registry, is a system that gathers information about Brazilian families in situations of social vulnerability. If you are already registered with CadÚnico, request the antenna kit becomes even easier.

Access the Siga Antenado Program portal and enter your NIS (Social Identification Number). This way, the system will automatically check whether you meet the eligibility criteria.

So, if everything is correct, follow the steps indicated to finalize your request and be able to receive your digital antenna.

Free Digital Antenna Kit Registration

However, if you are not yet registered with CadÚnico and wish to request the digital antenna kit, don't worry! Registration can be carried out at the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) closest to your residence.

There, you must provide documents for all members of your family, such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and proof of income.

With the registration completed, the next step is to access the portal Follow Antenna Program and start requesting your kit.


Antena Digital, through the Siga Antenado Program, is an incredible opportunity for Brazilian families to connect with the digital world and enjoy quality programming.

Therefore, if you meet the established criteria, don't waste time and request your free kit now. And remember, information is a powerful tool. Until next time and good luck!

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