CNH Digital - Veja Como Baixar a Carteira Digital de Trânsito

Digital CNH – See How to Download the Digital Traffic Card on your Cell Phone.


The application digital driver's license, without a doubt it makes life easier for many people, as it is a digital version of the traditional printed license. With this new version, it is possible to have greater convenience. Well, we have the possibility of having our driver's license more easily on our cell phone. Furthermore, the document has the same legal value as the printed versions.

Furthermore, according to the Ministry of Cities, this new modality aims to have the driver's license in a digital version to make life easier for the user. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to issue the old printed driver's license. Therefore, in addition to being a more practical option, it is also a more sustainable option. 


However, there are many doubts about what the cost of obtaining the digital driving license. Therefore, Detran informs that there is no cost to downloading the new digital driver's license on your cell phone. So, to know how to download and install, stay with us until the end.

Aplicativo CNH Digital - Veja Como Baixar a Carteira Digital de Trânsito
New driver's license (Image: Canva Pro)

How to Download and Install the CNH Digital Application on your Cell Phone.

Now, to access your digital license, understand that it will be available on both Android and IOS devices. To do this, you can access it yourself and do it at home according to the step-by-step instructions below. First, you will enter the Play Store or Google Play on your cell phone. Then, in the search box, type digital driving license or CDT.


This way, you can find the application and then install it. Then, enter the requested data and continue the process. Now, just open the application and register with Denatran, entering your most used email. Then, when you receive the email, confirm your registration by accessing the link and continue.

Afterwards, you must go to the Detran in your city to validate the data. However, don't forget to check the back of your driver's license. Because, only those that were issued after 2017 have a QR code on the back for scanning. 

How the New Digital CNH Works.

Firstly, it is worth highlighting that the Ministry of Cities allowed this digital license to be obtained, for those who already have the printed version since 2017. Therefore, it would be necessary to have a driver's license with a QR code on the back. Currently, on average 26 million Brazilian citizens already use a digital driver's license in Brazil. However, the objective is that in the coming years the entire population will use this new driver's license.

Furthermore, nowadays practically everything is done via cell phone. Therefore, this technology is necessary. Furthermore, the app only allows you to have just one digital wallet per cell phone. Therefore, if you log in on a cell phone you will always have to use that device.

In other words, if you try to enter your digital driver's license through another device using the same data, you will automatically be disconnected from the previous device. Furthermore, if you choose to no longer have a digital driver's license, simply go to the Denatran website and delete all your data. With this, you will only use the printed version again.

Find out the Advantages of Obtaining Your Digital Driver's License – CDT.

Without a doubt, the advantages of obtaining a digital driver's license are countless and you can use it via your smartphone anywhere and without needing the internet. Furthermore, if you lose the printed version, the digital document can be your salvation. This way, you will have fewer headaches and the risk of being left without the document is minimal.

Furthermore, citizens will have their data fully protected and this will provide greater security for the user. Finally, anyone who has a printed version of their license will be able to have their digital version of their driver's license at any time. Therefore, this is another technological tool that will make life easier for many people.

However, it is worth accessing your app store and getting the digital CNH app on your cell phone. For more articles like this, visit our “Technology” category and stay up to date!

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