Aplicativos Para Fazer Renda Extra

Applications to Make Extra Income.


Want to know the best apps to make extra income and get some money at the end of the month? With the constant increase in prices, even those who have a regular job with one or more minimum wages are facing difficulties paying all their day-to-day expenses.

In today's market, it is impossible not to realize the value of essential items such as oil, coffee, rice and milk. Furthermore, high inflation also impacts the price of several other products, resulting in a significant drop in the purchasing power of Brazilians in recent times.


That's why it's crucial to find a way to supplement your income. However, if you're wondering how to do this and don't have the answer, don't worry. In this article, we will present some options for apps to make extra income and assist with expenses.

Aplicativos Para Fazer Renda Extra
Applications to Make Extra Income (Image: Google)

Uber – Work as a Driver.

If you want to start with something that everyone knows, the Uber extra income app is the best option. It is the perfect tool for those who have driving skills and want to supplement their income at the end of the month.


The Uber App is offering new drivers up to R$ 200 to get started. So, sign up and find out more HERE.

At Uber, you have control over your working time, which makes it suitable both for people who already have a job in another area and available free time, as well as for those who are unemployed and need a source of income as quickly as possible. possible.

The Uber app is quite simple and most people have used the service at least once. Access the official Uber website, check your estimated weekly earnings and all the requirements needed to start working.

Airbnb – Advertise and Rent your Space.

If you own a property, guesthouse or even a spare room, even if you don't have a lot of free time, you can work with Airbnb. This platform works as a extra income app, as it is focused on hosting.

In addition to offering users traditional options, such as hotels and hostels, Airbnb offers the possibility of including your own home or room available for rent.

This alternative becomes more economical for travelers and a way to supplement their income without much effort.

The Airbnb app is intuitive and easy to use, allowing you to configure your available space, set prices, hosting rules, and communicate directly with guests.

If you're looking for a convenient way to generate extra income, Airbnb is an excellent choice.

OLX – Buy and Sell Online.

OLX is one of the main applications for reselling used items, in addition to offering services such as shipping and repairs. This extra income app can be extremely useful if you have items at home in good condition, but that you no longer want to use.

OLX is the ideal place for those who need to let go of some things. On the app or website, you can buy what you want or sell items to get a extra income at the end of the month. Consult the website to register and start selling.

NuvemShop – Create a Virtual Store.

If you are a product manufacturer and are looking for a way to start sales, the NuvemShop extra income app can be of great help. It is a platform where you can create and customize your own virtual store to sell your products.

You must pay a monthly fee to use the service. NuvemShop offers several functionalities, including the availability of modern layouts, an application to facilitate store management and logistical resources, as well as integration with other sales channels, such as Instagram Shopping and the Facebook Store.

Through NuvemShop, you will have a complete solution to start your online sales, reaching a larger audience and expanding your business.

Udemy – Register your Courses.

If you have knowledge in a certain subject and enjoy teaching, Udemy is ideal for you, as well as providing an additional source of income. This is an extra income application, as it allows you to create courses in areas in which you have knowledge and offer them at a price of your choice.

Udemy is a course platform with more than 30 million students. Every course on Udemy is created, managed, and owned by the instructor who developed it. On this platform, students can find classes that can include videos, slides and texts.

Through Udemy, you can share your knowledge with a wide audience, offer high-quality courses, and generate additional income at the same time.

DogHero – Extra Income Walking with Pets.

Pet lovers will definitely enjoy this app to make extra income. DogHero is a platform developed for those who need to travel and have nowhere to leave their pets, and that's where you can contribute!

You can sign up for this app to transform your home into a type of hotel for animals, where pets can stay comfortably. In addition, you can also register to offer other services, such as dog walking.

So, to stay up to date with everything, also access our “Applications” category and enjoy.

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