Aplicativos Secretos do Google - Conheça Agora

Google's Secret Applications – Discover Now.


Although, you may not know it, but there are many Google's secret apps. However, staying up to date with the usefulness of these applications can be quite useful. Therefore, it is important to know the features of these applications and use them whenever necessary. Furthermore, for most people, some of them don't even exist and that's why they end up not using them.

Furthermore, internet access is currently something that almost everyone uses. Through it, it becomes possible to carry out different types of tasks. However, what few know is that some resources are capable of facilitating the use of the internet. For this reason, the ideal is to always look for and learn about new tools to make your daily life easier. 

Therefore, knowing how to use all these Google applications can bring you new ways of looking at the internet. As well, it can add a lot of value to your professional CV, for example. This will mean that you are no longer just someone who tinkers with basic Google tools. So, get to know some of the apps you can start using.


Aplicativos Secretos do Google - Conheça Agora
Google Apps (Image: Canva Pro)

What Are Google's Secret Apps?

To begin with, one of these little-known applications is ”Grasshopper”. Well, it is a very interesting application for those who want to start in the programming field. With it, you can have access to different types of very interactive games. Therefore, the user will be able to learn more about Javascript languages.

Furthermore, another one of these secret applications is “Arts and Culture”, which is a unique platform within the largest current search engine. Through it, you will be able to access famous museums around the world. In addition, it is also possible to have access to knowledge of various artists and works.


Last, and not least, is the “Google News” application, which is a tool to inform the user. With this, all subjects that may be relevant to you will be organized into topics. This way, you can configure the application tab as “for you”, and you will only see news summaries according to your interests. Or, go to the “headlines” tab to configure and see everything that happens in Brazil and around the world.

Other Secret App Options.

The “Project Sunroof” application is one of those little-known secret Google services. However, it is a very interesting platform that helps users choose to use solar energy. In addition, you can see maps and weather forecasts on it. In other words, it would be an essential application for everyday life. 

Now, the “Google Keep” application works to replace the famous post its and physical notepads. In this way, Google Keep excludes their use, giving way to a more modern way of taking notes. Therefore, with it you can get your reminders on your computer or cell phone.

Finally, the “Gmail Ify” application is without a doubt one of the most interesting secret Google applications. Because, with it, it is possible to have access to tools, where anyone can access Gmail functions, even if they use other email services.


Discover Why These Applications Are Little Known.

Finally, you can see from this list that most of these secret Google services can greatly improve our daily lives. Because, in the rush of everyday life, there is nothing better than getting services that make things easier. Furthermore, if you work on the internet, some of these services can optimize your work.

However, it is not possible to know for sure why these services are rarely advertised by Google. But, the fact is that they will improve the lives of all those who have access. So, be sure to try it out and see whether or not it will bring improvements to your life in practice.

Final considerations.

What did you think of these secret Google apps? Do you know other apps? So, share with us in the comments. However, since you've come this far, take advantage and access our category of "Curiosities" and discover other curious facts like these!

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