Benefício Cesta Básica – Saiba Como ser um Beneficiário

Basic Basket Benefit – Find out how to be a Beneficiary of the Program.


O basic basket benefit is a program created by some states in Brazil, which aims to help people in the region.

Therefore, not all states will offer the benefit, as it is not a Federal Government program.

If you want to know if you are included in the program, read the content until the end, as here we will talk about all the details of the benefit.


Benefício Cesta Básica – Saiba Como ser um Beneficiário do Programa
Basic Basket Program (Image: Google)

What is the Basic Basket Benefit?

The basic food basket benefit is a benefit offered by some governments that aim to minimize the loss of income for vulnerable families during and after the pandemic.

So, the idea is that using a voucher, these families can exchange food for food.


Some states offer the food directly, while others ask families to exchange food at service points.

How to Receive the Basic Basket Benefit?

Like all Government programs, the basic food basket benefit requires you to be registered in the Single Registry.

If you have not yet registered, it is essential that you do so to have the chance to qualify and receive the benefit.

However, if you still don't know how to register, read the next steps and stay on top of everything.

Registration in the Single Registry to Receive Basic Basket.

Signing up for the Single Registry is very simple, just go to CRAS with some documents in hand.

However, if you want to speed up the process, you can pre-register via the website or app.

After pre-registration (not mandatory) you can take the documents to a CRAS service point and then complete your registration.

Necessary documents.

Initially, the person responsible for the family, who must be over 16 years old and, preferably, a woman, must appear at a service station carrying her CPF and Voter ID.

In addition, you must also take documents from the rest of the family such as ID, CPF, marriage and birth certificate, as well as work card, voter registration card and proof of residence.

If the family is indigenous or quilombola, it is necessary to present the RANI – Indigenous Administrative Birth Certificate.

Extra Requirements to Have a Chance of Receive the Benefit.

In addition to being registered in the Single Registry, you must also follow other criteria to receive the basic food basket.

In this case, you cannot receive any assistance or social security benefits, other than unemployment insurance.

Working as a public servant or having received government aid, such as Secult and Setur, makes it impossible to receive the benefit.

Which States Are Offering the Basic Basket Benefit?

Even though the vast majority of Brazilian states have been in need during and after the pandemic, not all are offering the basic food basket benefit.

Only the states of São Paulo, Ceará, Pernambuco, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro offer their own protocol.

Each state carried out its own benefit, therefore, the program of one state cannot be considered the other.

- São Paulo.

The state of São Paulo began offering food cards worth R$100.00 to its vulnerable population.

In this case, the food was not taken between the family, but the voucher.

In total, 50,000 food cards were distributed at the time of this post.

- Minas Gerais.

In Minas Gerais, on the other hand, families considered vulnerable receive the right to purchase basic food baskets directly from supermarkets in Belo Horizonte.

In addition, the Minas Gerais government also offers the people a hygiene kit, which was not included among the benefits.

In total, more than 240 thousand basic food baskets have already been distributed.

– Nova Serrana.

Separately from the Government, Nova Serrana city hall decided to offer the vulnerable population a registration so that they could receive an extra benefit.

In this case, the city provided a registry for these families.

The products in the basket included food and hygiene products for two months.

- Rio de Janeiro.

In Rio de Janeiro, the government chose to offer an exclusive card to exchange for the Basic Basket.

The card is given to families in need and considered vulnerable.

Furthermore, the value of the basket is R$130.00 divided into two installments.

– Ceará.

Like previous states, Ceará is also offering the benefit of a basic food basket to the population.

However, unlike previous states, the government offers a R$200.00 food card that will be divided into two installments.

In total, there are more than 150 thousand families in Ceará who will receive the benefit.

Criteria to Participate in the Program.

The focus of the benefit is workers who have had their family income reduced due to the pandemic and are going through difficult times.

Among the groups that receive the right are: tour guides, taxi drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers, street vendors and stallholders, buggy drivers, traffic document dispatchers, school and alternative transport workers.

You must reside in the participating states to receive the benefit, in addition to being 18 years of age or older and carrying out at least one of the activities indicated above.

How to Register?

To participate in the basic food basket benefit program, you must register on the website of the Secretariat of Social Protection, Justice, Citizenship, Women and Human Rights.

It is essential that the entire form is completed in order to be evaluated and attach some documents.

The enrollee must self-declare that the information provided is true and in some cases, the government makes a comparison with data from other government programs.

How do you know if your City Hall is offering the benefit?

To find out if the basic food basket benefit is being offered, you will need to go to your city hall, or access the official website.

If your city offers it, find out what the main criteria are, in addition to being on the Single Registry.

However, in some cities it is necessary to make a visit to analyze the family situation. So, after everything has been evaluated and registered, the family will be able to receive the benefit.

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