Carro Por Assinatura Vale a Pena? - Criativo News

Is a Subscription Car Worth It?


Have you ever heard of this type of service? Car subscription services are becoming increasingly popular and beneficial. But will subscription car is worth it? Many people are still reluctant to take advantage of this feature, which has completely changed the way we consume cars.

With simple steps and a monthly fee, you can drive a 0km car. This, without worrying about maintenance, insurance and documentation. However, on the other hand, the vehicle must be returned or renewed at the end of each contract.

Culturally, Brazilians like to have a car and be able to call it their own. But when we take the cost into consideration, the car ends up becoming just an object of desire. Mainly due to the high cost of fuel. So, on the other hand, the subscription services they make everything easier and target more relaxed consumers.


Carro Por Assinatura Vale a Pena

Points that make it worth having a subscription car.

Car 0km.

First of all, it doesn't matter which company or car manufacturer you choose. However, the car you sign must always be 0 km, as if you bought it at a dealership.

Plus, you can even choose all of the vehicle's options. Therefore, you can choose the color, finishes, safety and technical items. Even the installation of insulation film, which is quite common in Brazil.


All Inclusive.

Currently, in a subscription car, insurance, documents, inspections and preventive maintenance are included in the monthly fee. Therefore, besides fueling your car and taking care of it, you don't have to worry about anything else.

Facilitated Approval.

On the other hand, unlike financing, the entire process of signing up for a car is simpler. So, just have a clean name on the market. Having an income capable of supporting monthly payments and a credit card for eventualities is also important.

Don't Worry About Depreciation.

A characteristic of Brazilians, when it comes to cars, is that even if the car is the object of desire, the purchase depends on the resale value, which is unthinkable in other countries.

However, when signing up for a car, the customer already knows that it is like renting a house. However, the resources are only used to enjoy the product without harming the car they own.

Best prices.

The main benefit of having a car on a subscription basis is that it has a much lower value than financing.

Consider the following scenario: You go to a dealership to buy a new car with no down payment. So, this way, you will need to pay for all possible interest and expenses.

In the case of a subscription, you do not need to pay “entry”. However, the monthly fee is much lower than financing.

Points that it is not worth having a car on a subscription basis.

Carro Por Assinatura Vale a Pena

The Car Will Not Be Yours at the End of the Contract.

Although there is a value advantage, at the end of the contract, if it is not renewed, it will be necessary to return the car. Because the monthly fee does not accumulate and does not bring additional benefits. After using the car, he will go to a dealership or store to sell it.

No Modification.

Since the car is not yours, you cannot make changes to its structure, engine and other aspects. A very common example is a turbo car. Because with this, you can obtain more power and torque through a process called remapping. For signature cars, this cannot be done.

Cannot be used in mobility applications.

Car manufacturers and companies have adopted a policy of setting mileage restrictions on subscriptions.

Therefore, app drivers cannot use these services. However, many companies already offer specific plans and benefits for these professionals.

Subscription Cars Cannot Be Borrowed.

Just as it cannot be modified, it is also not allowed to lend a car. At the time of signing, you must sign a contract, which will be the driver of the car.

The Car Is Not Yours.

What is considered an advantage for some people can be a huge disadvantage for others. As the vehicle is not yours, many things must be avoided and prohibited.

Although insurance and maintenance costs are included, you always need to be extra careful because the product is not in your name.

Unlike when you complete a financing payment, where the car will be yours. Therefore, it may even be convenient for you to change your car or solve a financial problem when selling it.

So, we hope we have helped you with this information. So, if we answer your questions, share them with your friends too!

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