Como a Energia Solar é Produzida? - Criativo News

How is Solar Energy Produced?


You know how solar energy is produced? However, is it worth investing in equipment to transform solar energy into electrical energy?

In this article, we'll take a closer look at how a home solar system converts the sun's energy, into electricity.

Solar energy is produced when sunlight hits solar panels, which then transform solar energy into usable electricity. This transformation photovoltaic it is the way solar energy is generated.


Como a energia solar é produzida

How is Solar Energy Produced? Solar Panels Convert Sunlight into Electrical Energy.

The process of generating energy from sunlight begins with the biggest part of a solar installation: the solar panels. One solar panel, is typically made of monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon, housed in a metal panel frame with a glass casing.

So when sunlight hits the thin layer of silicon on the top of a solar panel, it removes electrons from the silicon atoms. The electrons are negatively charged, meaning they are attracted to one side of the silicon cell. This creates an electrical current that is captured by the wiring in a solar panel.


However, known as the “photovoltaic effect”, the electrons that flow and are released by sunlight are the basis of the electricity generated by solar panels.

So the more sun hits your solar panels, the more electrons will be released. Therefore, it is important to consider factors such as shade and local cloud cover when designing a lighting system. solar energy.

Some solar panels produce electricity at different rates depending on their efficiency and quality. Therefore, high-quality solar panels usually cost a little more upfront.

But in the long run, you will save your resources because they produce electricity more efficiently.

Inverters transform the energy from solar panels into electrical energy.

After the loose electrons have been collected in individual panels, the resulting current is known as direct current (DC). However, the electricity we use to power devices, charge electric vehicles, and turn on our lights is alternating current (AC).

The electricity generated by loose silicon electrons is DC electricity and needs to be converted to AC electricity before we can use it.

So, this conversion is done by important devices called inverters. Inverters can be configured as string inverters, microinverters or power optimizers. But, each configuration performs the same general function of transforming direct current into alternating current.

After the electricity passes through the inverters and is transformed into alternating current, it flows to the electrical panel and meter. Finally, it can be dispersed throughout your home or into the power grid.

Solar Panel Technologies.

Most solar panels available are made from crystalline silicon, but there are a few other types of solar panels that produce electricity from the sun.

Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Solar Panels.

Cadmium telluride panels use a material other than silicon to produce electricity. Although they still don't have very high efficiency ratings, CdTe panels can capture energy at shorter wavelengths than silicon panels. Furthermore, manufacturing costs are low.

Copper, Gallium and Indium Diselenide (CIGS) Solar Panels.

With higher efficiency than cadmium telluride panels, CIGS panels are a promising panel option. Unfortunately, high production costs have prevented CIGS panels from becoming popular.

However, these panels use a different copper-based material to generate electricity.

Organic Photovoltaic Cells.

Instead of using an inorganic material like silicon or copper, organic photovoltaic cells use thin layers of organic vapor or solution to generate an electrical current from sunlight.

OPV cells have yet to be widely adopted due to low efficiency and short lifespan compared to other panel technologies.

All of these solar technologies rely on the help of thin film panels and are a very small part of the overall solar market. This is mainly because they are not economical at the moment.

However, in the future these unique options may be the dominant solar technologies. But for now silicon panels dominate the industry.

Make Sure You Get the Best Deal for Your Solar Energy Installation.

Therefore, for homeowners, who are thinking about taking advantage of solar energy, it is important to consider all of the options mentioned here before before committing to a solar energy installation company.

However, by working with a pre-screened solar energy company, you can ensure you get a great deal, so you can start generating electricity from sunlight.

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