Como a Internet Foi Criada? - Criativo News

How Was the Internet Created?


Have you ever thought about how the internet was created? Considering that the Internet has truly changed the world, this is a very special story. Let's learn more about the origin of the Internet and who its creator is.

Initially, in the 1980s, the internet appeared, but it only became a reality in Brazil in 1985. Let's see who really created the Internet and better understand the entire process, it's worth remembering that we must pay attention to the details.

Such as Internet was created? First of all, we must understand that the Internet as we know it today appeared in 1989, and its creation is attributed to the mysterious “Tim Berners Lee”. This largely contributed to the birth of the worldwide Internet. This guy made a difference.


Como a Internet Foi Criada

The Development of the Internet.

At first glance, one has to think that in practice, the Internet may be older, and its origins may have occurred in the 1960s. So, how was the Internet created?

Furthermore, at the time, some experiments showed that, even if the distance is long, it is possible to send and receive information between computers.


However, it only developed more rapidly from the 1980s onwards. However, in Brazil, this technology only appeared in 1995, and the arrival of suppliers boosted the entire process. Therefore, creating the internet business.

It all started in a very rudimentary way. Today, in Brazil alone, there are more than 134 million internet users, covering 74% of the Brazilian population, from 10 years of age onwards. We have really come a long way!

Who Created the Internet? Particularity.

The World Wide Web, that is, the Internet as we know it today, depends on a wide range of technologies to function. In many cases, we are not even aware of these technologies.

However, these technologies are the same as the many protocols and rules that establish the way computers will exchange information.

It is worth remembering that it is possible to exchange information via radio or cable. The main developers of the protocol we use today are “Vinton Cerf” and “Bob Kahn”. However, the first time that information was exchanged was in 1969, between distant computers.

The protocol we use to access the Internet every day only appeared in the late 1980s. “Vinton” and “Bob” completed the great creation of the famous TCP-IP protocol, which has a variety of modes and a larger scale.

The History of Protocols.

In 1989, the structure of these protocols began to be used, in this way, the famous “www” (which means “World Wide Web”) allows devices to access multiple Internet addresses and share data on the network. This is the true magic of this process!

Then the Internet as we know it was born. Therefore, it is obvious that in addition to ultra-fast transmission through optical fiber, and new technologies, new tools continue to develop rapidly. We truly live in a communication paradise.

The most impressive thing about this story is that it all started in the 1960s. That was when researchers were able to transfer information between computers for the first time, which was very difficult. But now it has been completed very smoothly and quickly.

What does “World Wide Web” mean?

This structure allows the exchange of information between computers. So, “www” manages to open up a space for the Internet to become more dynamic and can be used by universities, even in registry offices, or even in the defense department.

This way, using “www”, you can find the website address to exchange information.

This way, using software called “browser”, the user will always be able to find the page through its address. This is a super simple task these days.

If there is no famous “www”, it is impossible to visit any website. Because it is a tool with computer interconnection equipment and technology.

Considering how everything evolved from there, it is truly impossible to imagine our lives without this protocol.

The Internet in Brazil.

The Internet in our country is very old. In the mid-1980s, some Brazilian cities already had network connections.

However, nowadays, educational institutions around the world are already operating at full steam.

However, this year Brazil started to create its own network, and the first batch of providers started to appear, offering users some access plans on a commercial basis. This means you can pay for services on a monthly basis. Thus the era of paid internet was born in our country.

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