Dicas e Técnicas de Como Acumular Milhas Para Viajar. - Criativo News

Tips and Techniques on How to Accumulate Miles to Travel.


To understand how to earn miles, it is necessary to learn how this system works to promote discounts on products and travel. So, check out the tips and techniques on how to accumulate miles to travel.

First of all, to learn how to earn miles, you first need to understand this system. However, in a simplified way, points and miles are a way to earn extra income or save on travel and products. Thus, it is possible to purchase expensive items on the market, such as household appliances, or, for example, obtain large discounts on international tickets.


Above all, you need to know how to make a good use of points and miles. So firstly, define your travel and redemption goals, as this makes planning with your balance easier. Therefore, monitoring price changes and keeping an eye on promotions is essential. In this case, there are several promotional periods with very interesting opportunities, such as the end of year parties.

Dicas e Técnicas de Como Acumular Milhas Para Viajar

Therefore, planning the issuance of ticket with miles or points in advance, it facilitates the fall in the final price. So, as we realized, anticipation is the best ally of practices on how to earn miles. However, comparing the redemption value of the ticket with the points in reais is important.


How do I earn miles to travel?

 Take advantage of Promotions.

In general, you can accumulate bonuses of up to 120% when transferring points from credit cards to loyalty programs during promotional periods. Thus, 10 thousand points can be transformed into 24 thousand, but this depends on the established promotion. Therefore, look for loyalty programs or websites that keep updates about promotions.

Earn Miles with a Credit Card.

First of all, you need to check with your credit card company. In this sense, each bank has different rules regarding benefits. So, check out the tips and techniques on how to accumulate miles to travel.

However, three main points must be considered: What is the validity period of the points, how the conversion is carried out, and whether the card has a partnership with frequent mile programs.

In general, information like this can be found in Internet Banking itself. However, you can call your bank's customer service center or speak directly to your bank account manager.

Don't miss out on the Miles Accumulation Bonus Promotions.

Typically, large virtual retail chains provide special promotions for each point consumed, thus generating an accumulative system.

Therefore, buying products using miles ends up generating even more points. However, as mentioned above, it is necessary to check whether it is worth buying in reais to avoid spending points.

Discover More About Each Program’s Airline Partnerships.

Initially, you can accumulate different points by flying with specific companies. But there are partnership programs between airlines.

Therefore, Latam points, for example, can be obtained by flying with the same company, but also with Delta, British, Iberia and other partners. However, just do some research on the companies to take advantage and earn points.

Sign up for Miles Clubs.

So in short, miles clubs or points are derived from programs that allow you to accumulate a large amount per month.

However, starting from a promotional monthly fee or a specific plan, the points are added, accelerating the accumulation. Furthermore, each platform offers its own exclusive promotions and other benefits.

Use Digital Payment Apps to Earn Miles.

We all already know that these payment applications have been helping people's daily lives a lot. Therefore, applications such as Mercado Pago, Pic Pay, among others, offer many possibilities, such as paying routine bills and bills without charging fees.

However, you can accumulate points for everyday expenses. Generally speaking, each application has its rules. But it is the user's responsibility to know the specifics.

Try to buy from partner stores.

So, during normal purchases, you can accumulate miles, especially purchases made in online stores. Above all, it is necessary to look for institutions and establishments that offer this service. However, this happens through various partnerships with points programs, which transform every dollar spent into points.

Be Wise Before Transferring Your Miles.

By signing up for one of the airline miles programs offered by companies in Brazil, you can look for the most effective alternative. Therefore, there are currently programs in which the greater the accumulation of miles, the greater the earnings in a short period of time. So, research the different airlines and the options that each one offers.

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