Você Sabe o Como Funciona a Tecnologia NFC

Do you know how NFC technology works?


This is a technology that is becoming increasingly common among various devices. Therefore, Do you know how NFC technology works?? If you don't know yet, don't worry. Well, we prepared this article explaining what this technology is and how it works.

The acronym NFC comes from the English Near Field Communication. In other words, this technology allows two devices to communicate wirelessly, through a simple approach. Quickly and safely. However, the devices need to be compatible and close to each other.

However, to communicate between devices, it will not be necessary to pair them as we do with Bluetooth, for example. Then, all compatible devices need to do is get closer. Thus, devices can be smartphones, tablets, badges, cards, electronic tickets, bracelets and any other device that has an NFC chip.


Você Sabe o Como Funciona a Tecnologia NFC

What is NFC Technology.

This is a technology that makes our daily lives much easier. And we can use it for different purposes. However, NFC technology allows us to connect two devices remotely. This connection is similar to Bluetooth. However, communication between devices happens very quickly.

However, it is worth remembering that for this to happen, the NFC technology feature must be active on both devices. Therefore, the connection and exchange of information will happen automatically between them. So this will happen whenever you bring them closer.


Want to know when this technology was developed? This occurred between Philips and Sony in 2002. However, it only began to be used on cell phones in 2010 by Nokia. Currently, this technology even allows you to make instant payments and provide information about products.

NFC – What is it for and How to Use This Technology.

The proximity field communication system, which is NFC technology, has been used for several purposes. However, due to the pandemic we are going through, the most used of these was to make payments. Because, nowadays, the vast majority of traders have already adopted this technology.

So, to make payments on the famous card machines, simply bring the card or any other device that is compatible with NFC closer. However, payment is made through an account registered and linked to your bank. In this case, the transaction will use your credit or debit card information.

As we already know, with NFC technology it is possible to perform various actions. However, there are some better known ones. For example, identifying employees using badges and opening digital door locks.

Is this NFC Technology Safe?

Naturally, the flag that NFC raises most is security. This is because its main activity is making payments. And for this this technology uses your credit card. Therefore, everything was thought out from the beginning. Therefore, its mechanisms reduce the chances of fraud.

However, the first of them is that NFC technology only works with devices very close to each other. In other words, they need to be at least 4 cm apart. Another anti-fraud defense mechanism is that to make payments above R$50.00 you will need a password.

Although these mechanisms work, the risks of fraud will always exist. Therefore, to stay safer, keep NFC deactivated. Therefore, you can activate it again whenever you enter a store or supermarket, for example.

How to Enable and Disable NFC.

First check if the device you want to activate has this technology. Smartphones with the IOS operating system, as is the case with Apple, have been a standard feature since 2014, with the launch of the iPhone 6. However, smartphones with the Android system are more common to find this technology in the brand's premium devices. .

So, access your device's settings menu and search for “NFC” to find out if it is compatible. But, you can usually find NFC in the “Connections” menu. However, this does not work for all devices.

Now, if you want to enable/disable this function on your credit or debit card, access your bank's application. Well, that's where you'll be able to do this, whenever you want. This way, look for the option “NFC or Pay by Contact” and enable it whenever you want.

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