Consultar IPVA 2022 - Qual o Valor do Imposto do Seu Veículo

Consult IPVA 2022 – What is the Tax Value of Your Vehicle?


Whenever the year comes to an end, we Brazilians, as usual, start planning for next year's commitments. So here's how consult IPVA 2022 and find out the tax value of your vehicle. The acronym IPVA stands for “Motor Vehicle Property Tax”.

Therefore, the IPVA must be paid by owners of new or pre-owned vehicles, generally up to twenty years old. But, this may vary depending on the state. The calculation of this tax is based on the value of each vehicle. However, a percentage is calculated that is generally 4% for passenger vehicles and 2% for utility vehicles.

However, the IPVA collection, does not apply to all types of vehicles. Because, in some cases, they may be exempt from this charge. So, to understand a little more about this, continue reading this article.


Consultar IPVA 2022 - Qual o Valor do Imposto do Seu Veículo
Consult IPVA 2022 (Image: Canva Pro)

IPVA 2022 – Understand How the Calculation is Made.

First of all, it is important to know that the calculation of IPVA (Motor Vehicle Property Tax) is the responsibility of each state. In general, the calculation basis for used vehicles is the table value in the previous billing period.

In this sense, the values will always be relatively correct, regardless of where you are carrying out the research. Therefore, a charging pattern will follow for each type of vehicle.


Now, in the case of new and new vehicles. IPVA is calculated based on the invoice price. In other words, this is why the IPVA value of new vehicles is generally more expensive.

Where does the amount collected from IPVA 2022 go.

Many Brazilians have been paying IPVA for years, and still don't know what the real destination of the amount collected every year is. Therefore, know that this collection is divided into two parts. In other words, 50% goes to your municipality and the other 50% goes to the state.

However, the revenue generated by IPVA is not only used for asphalt and infrastructure improvements. Other sectors such as health, education, security and transport also benefit.

However, if allocated correctly, IPVA contributes a lot to the state and the municipality in general. In this way, this investment helps to improve the quality of life of the entire population.

IPVA 2022 Exemption Cases.

There are some cases of illness or disability, which give motor vehicle owners the right to be exempt from paying IPVA. However, the vehicle must be adapted to your needs.

According to Detran, (State Department of Traffic), vehicles with ten or twenty years of manufacture also have the right to be exempt from paying IPVA.

However, it is worth remembering that each Brazilian state has a different rule and deadline regarding IPVA exemption per year of manufacture. See below:

  • Vehicles with more than 20 years of manufacture (Alagoas, Acre, São Paulo, Paraná, and Mato Grosso do Sul).
  • Vehicles with more than 10 years of manufacture (Rio Grande do Norte and Amapá).
  • Over 15 years of manufacturing (Tocantins, Sergipe, Rondônia, Rio de Janeiro, Paraíba, Pará, Piauí, Maranhão, DF, Espírito Santo, Ceará, Amazonas and Bahia).
  • Only vehicles with black license plates (Minas Gerais).
  • Vehicles with more than 18 years of manufacture (Mato Grosso).
  • Vehicles with over 30 years of manufacture (Santa Catarina and Pernambuco).

How to Consult IPVA 2022.

To consult and find out the amount of IPVA 2022 that you will pay, it is very simple. Open your internet browser on your cell phone, and search for “Detran + state” where you live. Have your RENAVAM number and vehicle license plate on hand.

Once on your state's Detran website, search for the menu “Vehicles” and then “Annual licensing”. Fill in the information and proceed.

However, for vehicles licensed in the state of São Paulo, this process is done on the Detran portal. Therefore, after the owner pays all vehicle debts, such as IPVA and licensing fees, he will have access to the digital CRLV, available on the same portal.

However, you can download the digital driver's license app, and if the vehicle is in your name, the document will appear there too. This way, you can access it whenever you want.

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