CRLV Digital – Saiba Como Baixar e Usar Agora Mesmo

CRLV Digital – Find Out How to Download and Use Right Now.


O CRLV Digital It is the vehicle document and must be paid every year. It is a Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate. Therefore, it is only with it that means of transport can circulate. This must be paid when the person informs the vehicle data number in the RENAVAM database and the fee generated.

Therefore, it is important to inform that it will be available to view and print the bill on the State Department of Transit (DETRAN) portal. However, it is good to know that each federal state has a specific DETRAN.


Furthermore, it is necessary to highlight that, from the year 2020, this certificate became available in its digital version, originating the CRLV Digital for the greater convenience of the population. Thus, your query can be made through the Digital Traffic Card (CDT) application.

CRLV digital – Saiba Como Baixar e Usar Agora Mesmo
CRLV Digital (Image: Google)

What is the Importance of CRLV? What Information Will It Provide About the Vehicle?

The main function of CRLV Digital is to prove that the vehicle is in uniform with DETRAN, that is, its licensing is up to date. Therefore, for this to happen, the vehicle owner must pay his Motor Vehicle Ownership Tax (IPVA) and traffic fines correctly.


If the CRLV is not regularized, the person is subject to a fine of R$88.38, plus 3 on their driver's license. Furthermore, it may happen that the vehicle is detained by the police until the owner regularizes it.

Furthermore, the CRLV will contain information about the car. Among them, owner's name, color, model year, license plate, vehicle power and year of exercise of the document. However, it must contain all these details precisely for greater control of transport on the street.

How can I obtain the CRLV-Digital via the Detran website?

The first step to obtaining a CRLV-Digital is to register with the CDT. Therefore, you need to download the application on your cell phone. Therefore, if it is an Android it will be through the Play Store or if it is an IOS (iphone) it will be through the App Store.

To be able to navigate through the application, the user must register with their CPF. After registering data, select the option that contains “Enter with” and enter your CPF and password.

Then, the application will direct you to a menu where you must select the Qualification sequence and Tap here to add your CNH. Also, remember that you must be authenticated. If it isn't already, you can validate it on your cell phone.

Continuing the navigation, you need to enter your zip code and period of issuance of the physical driver's license on your cell phone, and then read the QR Code. The app will ask for facial validation and your phone number. All done? The CNH will be available on your smartphone.


After this Online Registration, what do I do?

In the menu, click on the “Vehicles” option and then “Digital Licensing (CRLV-e)”. With this, the RENAVAM number and the CRV security code, register the CRLV.

Success! After these steps, you got the digital CRLV.

If you want to print, the user must download its digital form. In this way, this can be obtained through the “digital CRLV (pdf)” option. Once opened, it can be immediately downloaded to your cell phone.

If the download does not happen, click on the arrow pointing down. It is usually in the right corner, at the top of the screen.

I hope this article has helped demystify how to carry out this bureaucratic process for your vehicle. Therefore, it is now easy to obtain the CRLV-Digital for your vehicle quickly and conveniently. With this, just take the car key and drive without any problems on the roads of Brazil. 

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