Dicas de Sucesso Para as Redes Sociais de Sua Empresa

Success Tips for Your Company's Social Networks.


Anyone and everyone who has a company has certainly thought about investing in the internet. So, if you are an entrepreneur, check out the Success tips for your company's social media. Well, it’s exactly what was needed for your company to get off to a good start on social media.

However, taking everything into consideration, before even promoting your brand, it is important that you study some fundamental points. For example, knowing who your audience is, which online tools you will use, and of course, the mistakes that should be avoided. This is all part of the digital marketing.


Therefore, in the most recent survey carried out by Ibope Media, we can prove that there are more than 46 million Brazilians actively using social networks. However, 77% of these users follow company brands. However, we also noticed that only 36% of companies in Brazil had websites. This is too little!

Dicas de Sucesso Para as Redes Sociais de Sua Empresa

Interaction with Social Networks.

When it comes to social media, we talk about Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter and LinkedIn. Therefore, the main thing you need to know is that social networks work through interaction.


In this sense, it is contrary to television advertisements, where only the brand appears and buyers only see it. So, with the internet it's different, because your audience constantly talks, comments, shares, reprimands and participates.

But the fact is that many businesspeople end up not tolerating this much. So this is the first misstep as it is interaction, one of the main ways to promote brands and items.

Have Total Transparency on the Internet.

Having true transparency with the customer is always fundamental. However, realize that on the internet, where there is a universe of data and search tools, people can undoubtedly discover wrong or forgotten data about your brand.

Customers have many sources of analysis these days. Therefore, it is quite simple to track the smallest subtleties that may not have been expressed clearly by a company. However, always have clear and transparent attitudes towards your audience.

Can I delete content that didn't bring results? According to all digital marketing experts, the answer is no. This, however, is perhaps the most well-known error. Therefore, it is necessary to act with transparency.

Don't Confuse Company With Personal.

To close this topic, on successful tips for your company's social networks, let's take one more step. However, it has to do with another one of the mistakes made by businesspeople and entrepreneurs who are already in digital marketing.

Something curious about this issue is that it has even reached high powers, such as the STF. Therefore, consider that using the company to express personal opinions is not legal.

In any case, your company should discuss its own significant issues, but not your personal ones. So don't confuse the balls. However, to speak face to face, use your own profile and not that of your company. This avoids several errors.

How about starting with Facebook?

We conclude the subject, with successful tips for your company's social networks, so you can take the initial steps and avoid mistakes. However, we also dare to talk about Facebook, which was the gateway to several successful companies that exist today.

So, find out more about it, and stay tuned for some of this tool’s features. For example, it is essential to choose between a profile or a page, as they are different mechanisms.

As a rule, companies produce pages on the internet, not profiles. Therefore, this is clarified and detailed in Facebook's terms of service. But this has advantages such as: unlimited number of fans, paid advertising, administration levels, and obviously, your metrics.

Now, regarding distributions or to have recurrence, Facebook itself says that the ideal is to make at least one post per day in any case. Furthermore, it still recommends that you view the right types of content.

An example of this are product and service offers, photos and videos to interact with. However, it is worth remembering that the internet and online platforms are constantly updated.

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