Entregador do Mercado Livre

Mercado Livre Delivery Driver – See How to Make Extra Income.


If you are looking for extra income without having to take extra courses or studies, acting as a Mercado Livre delivery man, could be a great idea.

Here we will present everything you need to know about the subject and, of course, how you can register.


However, it is important that you evaluate the criteria to know if you comply with Mercado Livre.

Entregador do Mercado Livre – Veja Como Fazer uma Renda Extra
Mercado Livre delivery man (Image: Canva Pro)

How to Become a Mercado Livre Delivery Driver?

For you to become a Mercado Livre delivery person, you will need to follow some fundamental criteria.


Therefore, below I will cover all the details on each of the items that need attention.

So, be careful, because without these criteria, you will not be able to be a Mercado Livre delivery person.

Car – Can I Drive Any Vehicle?

The automobile does not have to be a car, if you have a motorcycle within the criteria, you can work without problems.

However, your car or even your motorcycle cannot last longer than 15 years.

If you are going to use a motorbike you will need a backpack or trunk of at least 80 liters to be able to transport the packages.

Necessary documents.

It is important that you have a driving license to be able to act as a Mercado Livre delivery person. After all, you will drive a car to every corner of the city.

Another point of attention is your CNPJ, which you will need to obtain. In this case, it can be an MEI without any problems.

Finally, it is essential that you have a cell phone with internet access. This way, you can send messages to customers and use the GPS on your smartphone.

Mercado Livre delivery driver Como MEI.

When registering as a MEI, you will need to define the CNAE, which is nothing more than the code that represents your work. In other words, following your new occupation.

In this case, the most common job as a Mercado Livre delivery person is number 5320-2/02.

Therefore, this description mentions “fast postal deliveries and other activities such as storage and transportation”. Therefore, this CNAE is the most suitable for those who want to start in this market.

How to Register as a Mercado Livre Delivery Driver?

To start working as a Mercado Livre delivery person, you need to register.

In this case, you must download the Mercado Envios Extra app, which is only available on Google Play. To start registering, you need to have a Mercado Livre account.

After opening the app, you need to fill in the personal data that will be requested and validate your identity.

How Will Your Delivery Service Work?

Mercado Livre's delivery service is very simple, where you first receive route offers.

In this case, you will need to check whether you want to accept, evaluating the amount you will receive and the estimated duration for this.

Once accepted, you must place the data at a collection point, which will be guided.

Making Deliveries.

Through the application you will have the suggested route to minimize the delivery time of your product.

Once the package has been delivered, it will be added to your list.

Between Wednesday and Friday of the next delivery week, you will receive your money at Mercado Pago.

What is the Average Salary of a Mercado Livre Delivery Driver?

There is no average route that you have to complete on the day. In other words, you can do as much as you want.

In this case, the average value will depend on the number of deliveries you will make on the day. Therefore, according to Mercado Livre, the average value can reach up to R $240.00/day.

If you take it from the collection point and give it to the person, then you will receive 100% of the initially indicated amount.

When is the Service Paid for by Mercado Livre?

Mercado Livre notifies its drivers that payment is always made once a week.

In this case, if you perform your services from Monday to Friday this week, you will receive payment between Wednesday and Friday.

It is important to remember that payment will be made in just one day.

Which Cities Have Mercado Livre Delivery Drivers Available?

Not all cities are working with Mercado Livre. So, before registering, you need to check whether there is the possibility of being a delivery person in your city.

The criteria for having it or not are based on collection points, that is, the places where the goods are.

If your city or a city close to yours has collection points, it is very likely that you can work.

Tips for being a Good Delivery Man in Mercado Livre.

So that everything makes sense and be Mercado Livre delivery man be advantageous, it is important that you make a strategy that works.

A great idea is that you always take routes that are close to each other and move between neighborhoods or next to small towns.

This way, you will be able to travel less and the wear and tear on longer trips for complex deliveries will be much less.

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