Exercícios em Casa: Apps Para Manter-se Ativo

Exercises at Home: Apps to Stay Active without Equipment


In an increasingly connected world, the search for exercises at home has become an undeniable trend. With today's busy life, finding time to go to the gym can be a challenge. Luckily, technology comes to meet us with innovative and practical solutions. Home Workout Apps emerge as an effective alternative to staying active and healthy. They offer the flexibility and convenience of training in the comfort of home, without the need for sophisticated equipment.

In this article, we will explore some of the best apps available on the market that can transform your living room into a personalized fitness space. From quick workouts to more elaborate series, these apps adapt to your needs and goals. The key word here is convenience. With just a few taps, you access a range of exercise options, guided by professional instructors, who promise to keep your motivation high.


In addition to practicality, these home workout apps offer the ability to track your progress, set goals, and even connect with an online community of fitness enthusiasts. Whether you're a beginner or someone looking for new challenges, there's a perfect app waiting to be discovered. Keep reading to learn about these incredible tools that can revolutionize your exercise routine.

Home Workout Apps (Image: Canva Pro)

Nike Training Club: A Gym on Your Smartphone

O Nike Training Club stands out for offering a wide variety of workouts. With it, users can choose between activities focused on strength, endurance, yoga and more.


The app provides a personalized experience, adapting to different skill levels and fitness goals. Furthermore, it offers detailed guidance through videos, becoming a true virtual personal trainer.

MyFitnessPal: More than Exercise, a Lifestyle

This app goes beyond exercises at home, acting as a diet and calorie tracker. MyFitnessPal helps users maintain a balance between diet and exercise, offering a holistic view of health and well-being.

With a vast food database and intuitive interface, it makes it easy to track your calorie intake and nutrition, integrating this information with adaptable exercise routines.

7 Minute Workout: Maximum Efficiency in a Short Time

For those who have a busy routine, the 7 Minute Workout appears as an ideal solution. This app offers workouts lasting just 7 minutes, which can be performed without any equipment.

Based on studies that prove the effectiveness of short, intense workouts, it is perfect for those who want quick results and have little time available.

Fitbit Coach: Personalized Workouts Connected to Your Bracelet

O Fitbit Coach, acting as an extension of Fitbit devices, actively leverages the data collected by your wearable. This way, it creates workouts that dynamically adapt to your activity level and goals.

Furthermore, it offers personalized training and constant feedback, making this app ideal for those looking for a more connected training experience based on real data.


With the variety of home workout apps available, staying active and healthy has never been so easy and affordable. Additionally, each app offers unique features that suit different lifestyles and goals. So, try it out, find what best suits your needs and start transforming your routine today. 

Furthermore, remember, the key to a healthy lifestyle is right at your fingertips. Also, don't forget to explore other categories on our site for more health and wellness tips and information. In short, stay active, stay healthy, stay informed.

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