GIF - Descubra Como Usar e Aproveite Esse Recurso

GIF – Discover How to Use it.


With the advancement of technology, we can increasingly count on resources to improve our communication with other people. GIFs, from the English Graphics Interchange Format, emerged with this purpose. GIF – Discover how to use it. They guarantee to be the protagonists, ahead of emojis, when it comes to communication.

GIF is very useful within messaging applications, social networking applications and publications. It emerged a long time ago and has been undergoing modifications according to users' needs. Even though it's popular among young people, many people still don't know how to use GIFs, how to send them or how to make their own.


Thinking about clarifying some doubts about this resource, We brought you some information about how to use GIF nowadays. Check it out below.

GIF - Descubra Como Usar

After all, what is GIF? How Did He Arise?

GIF, in general, is an image format like PNG and JPG. Applying it in everyday life, we can use it for both moving images and non-animated images. The GIF, as many people think, is not a video, therefore, it has no audio.


GIF – Find out how to use it. The perfect definition of GIF is a set of images that, when joined together, give a feeling of animation, bringing movement. After its creation, the GIF started to attract attention.

Because even though it is a type of upload of several images, it is not a heavy file, and sharing it does not require much internet.

We can remember that the GIFs They are great communication alternatives, as they use less internet than videos and even some images, depending on their quality.

How Did GIF Become Popular?

As soon as GIFs emerged, many people started using them to express feelings, ideas and emotions. Because GIFs convey a much greater message than just images without animations.

But, even though this feature has become popular among internet users, it is also no longer used in some situations due to its limitations. GIFs are only capable of bringing 256 colors in a single file.

This is not good for the commercial sector, for example. Common images, on the other hand, bring much more colors to their information, and in these cases, they are better options to use.

Has the GIF already ceased to exist?

Even though few people noticed, for a while the GIF ceased to exist. At one time, some professionals at Mozilla even tried to replace GIFs with an APNG file, which was a type of animated PNG image.

But this idea didn't last long. This happened because users did not adapt to this format, and found it difficult to use it.

Furthermore, GIFs were an alternative to being used by HTML, which did not accept video format files, only image formats.

What is the Right Way to Pronounce?

Many people have difficulty knowing the correct pronunciation of a word, and this has even become a topic of discussion among internet users.

There are people who speak with the “guif” sound and others with the “jif” sound. Both ways are correct.

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