Os Melhores Aplicativos Para Procurar Emprego. - Criativo News

The Best Apps to Search for a Job.


In the past, it was very tiring to go out and find a job. Now, there are best apps for looking for a job, and thus, this task becomes very simple. Just download and install it on your cell phone to start receiving job vacancies from all over Brazil.

These apps are so popular that one of the most popular searches on the Play Store and Google Play is Sine Fácil. So, it became easier and simpler to access SINE network services, without queues or complications!


However, it shows how companies and people are changing their advertising habits, selecting and recruiting new job openings with the best apps for looking for a job.

Os Melhores Aplicativos Para Procurar Emprego

What Are the Best Job Search Apps?

Several of these apps are available, but we will focus on just four apps.


Therefore, we will talk a little about its functions, download process and use of the best apps for looking for a job. This will make your choice easier.

You will definitely find one that meets your needs, and with that, your job vacancy will be closer and closer. So, just do some research to apply for job openings and employment contracts.

Sine Facil Job Vacancies.

Sine Facil is a job search application that everyone likes. It is on the list of the best apps for looking for a job. Therefore, it is available in Android and iOS versions.

However, this app serves as a good list of job offers on the Internet. With it, companies and employers advertise available job offers and make it easier for people to find good opportunities.

However, according to the developers of the Sine Facil app, more than 4 thousand new job vacancies in Brazil are announced on the app daily.

So, search for “Sine Facil” in your app store to register and start looking for your job right now.

Catho Jobs.

Looking for a remote or in-person work position? Then the Catho app is perfect for you! Also available in Android and iOS versions, Catho Empregos, like Sine facil, is one of the best known and most used applications for looking for a job.

However, in this application, in addition to your preferred vacancies, you can also register your CV. With it you can search for job openings throughout Brazil and create a profile with your professional characteristics.

So, as previously mentioned, Catho Empregos is currently one of the best job search apps. With it, you can create job reminders via email so you don't miss any opportunities.

Therefore, it also has a lot of original content about careers and occupations that can help you grow professionally. Search for “catho jobs” in your app store to download and install.

Trovit Jobs.

Trovit Empregos is also another good option for those looking for a job. Just like the previous ones, you can find it in iOS and Android versions. However, the Trovit Empregos app allows you to carry out more in-depth searches for vacancies on the internet on different websites.

However, this application is also available in another 12 languages and has the function of sending job notifications by email.

The Trovit Empregos app searches for job offers on thousands of advertising pages in a single tool. One of its differences is that its filter has dozens of options, which makes it much easier to select the ideal vacancy for each profile.

Therefore, this saves a lot of time during interviews and recruitment. So, search for “trovit jobs” in your online app store, download and install it now.

Infojobs Employment.

Download the Infojobs app for companies for free and post your vacancies via your smartphone in just a few seconds. So, who has never heard of the Infojobs job application? Without a doubt, it is one of the most popular job applications on the market.

However, it is only present in the Android and Windows Phone versions. The Infojobs app offers thousands of jobs every day and has powerful filters to find even the most hidden job openings.

Then, after registering, you will be able to fill out your CV, as it will be sent to the company and job vacancy you want.

The email notification service for new job openings is also available and works very well. So, open your app store on your smartphone and search “employment infojobs” to download and install.


Nowadays, it has become much easier and more practical to look for a job, right? However, these applications do not guarantee any vacancy. Because each candidate, just like in the traditional method, will undergo an assessment.

So, if this article made sense to you, leave us a comment and share it so that more people can be reached.

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