Móveis Online: Os Apps Mais Práticos para Renovar Sua Casa

Online Furniture: The Most Practical Apps to Renovate Your Home


Currently, the most practical apps to renovate your home are transforming the way we plan and execute changes in our environments. Now, it is possible to have tools at your fingertips that simplify each stage of the renovation. From choosing furniture to viewing the final result, everything has become more practical and accessible.

In this article, we will explore the most innovative and practical applications available on the market. These apps promise to make your home renovation experience smooth and enjoyable. With them, you will not only save time but also have access to a diverse range of design options and ideas. These are options you might never have considered, opening up a range of possibilities for your creativity.


Whether you're a do-it-yourself enthusiast or someone who prefers help from professionals, these apps offer personalized solutions. They meet your specific renovation needs. On this journey, we'll discover how these tools can help you transform your space. They optimize the renovation process in an intelligent and creative way, making the experience unique and rewarding.

Most practical apps to renovate your home (Image: Canva Pro)

Home Design 3D – Turning Ideas into Reality

O Home Design 3D, an innovative application, transforms the way you design the interior of your home, allowing you to create and modify the design in 3D. Furthermore, with an intuitive interface, you can draw house plans and try out different furniture styles.


Additionally, being ideal for testing layouts and decorations, the app allows you to visualize the impact of natural light in each room, facilitating decisions before making physical changes.

Houzz – Inspiring Transformations

On the other hand, Houzz is a platform that combines inspiration and practicality. Offers a vast collection of interior and exterior design photos, allowing users to find and save ideas.

Additionally, the app connects renovation professionals with clients, making it easier to hire experts for your project. Houzz is perfect for anyone looking for inspiration and professional guidance to renovate their home.

IKEA Place – Viewing Furniture in Your Space

Similarly, the IKEA Place uses augmented reality to help choose furniture. Through the app, you can see how IKEA products would look in your home.

This way, you can try out different furniture and decor, seeing in real time how each item fits into your space. It is an essential tool for anyone who wants to ensure that their furniture choices harmonize perfectly with their home.

Magicplan – Simplified Planning

Finally, in the context of the most practical apps to renovate your home, Magicplan stands out as an innovative tool for creating floor plans and cost estimates. With it, it becomes easy to map your space, plan renovations and calculate necessary materials.

It is ideal for those who want to have a detailed view of the project and maintain control of the budget, perfectly aligning with the proposal of practicality and efficiency in home renovation.


In short, renovating your home has never been so easy and fun. With the most practical apps to renovate your home, you have the power to transform your space efficiently and creatively. Each of these apps offers unique features that help from planning to executing your renovation ideas.

So, we encourage you to explore these tools and discover new ways to revitalize your home. Stay with us, browsing other categories on our website for more tips and inspiration in the world of technology that can add value to your life.

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