Programa EducaMaisBrasil - Bolsa de Estudos

EducaMaisBrasil Program – Scholarship.


O EducaMaisBrasil program It's one of the best opportunities you have to start studying at a university at a discount.

From the program, you can find partner universities and schools where you can choose the course you like and start studying.

Therefore, if you want to know what courses, universities, types of courses and, of course, how to enroll, read our post until the end and clarify your doubts.


Programa EducaMaisBrasil - Bolsa de Estudos
EducaMaisBrasil Program (Image: Canva Pro)

What is the EducaMaisBrasil Program?

The EducaMaisBrasil program is today considered one of the largest educational inclusion projects in Brazil.

The program operates throughout Brazil and offers scholarships at all levels of education.


The idea is to benefit young people who seek quality education, but are unable to afford the costs and do not have discounts on monthly fees.

How does the EducaMaisBrasil Program work?

In total, the program has already helped more than 900 thousand students who benefited from the discounts.

Therefore, the idea of the program is to offer tuition discounts to students through a partnership.

There are more than 35 thousand institutions affiliated with the program and the discount can reach up to 70%, depending on the course.

What are the Types of Courses that EducaMaisBrasil Participates in?

The types of courses you can get a discount on with EducaMaisBrasil are diverse and it can certainly help you.

Course options include: Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Technical Courses, Languages, Basic Education, Professional Training, Preparatory Courses for Competitions, Pre-Entrance Exam/ENEM and EJA-Education for Young Adults.

To obtain the discount, you must register.

What is the Main Criteria for Participating in EducaMaisBrasil?

The main criteria for participating in EducaMaisBrasil is not currently having any connection with the college that wants the discount.

In this case, if you are at University A and want to take another course there, then you will not be able to participate in the program.

In other words, if you want to use the program to reduce the monthly fee, it will not be possible.

How to Register for EducaMaisBrasil?

Registration for EducaMaisBrasil is completely free and is open throughout the year.

This way, you don't risk wasting time to take the course you want.

All registration takes place through the platform's website,

Step by Step to Register.

The first thing you need to do to participate in the EducaMaisBrasil program is to access the platform's website, which we talked about before.

Right on the home page you will have the option to choose between Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Technical Courses, among others.

You should also use the filters to be able to find the school you want and the location it should be.

Course Description.

After filtering your choices, you need to read the offers and details of each course, whether it is in-person or online, the duration, morning, evening or full-time.

Furthermore, you need to check the monthly fee and the size of the discount you will get.

If you want more details, you can also find out what the college's curriculum is and the most important data.

Making the Choice.

After analyzing all the options, you should choose one of the ones you liked the most.

To do this, you must click on I WANT THIS SCHOLARSHIP. Ready.

Finally, you must start filling in some of your data such as name, age, telephone number, email CPF and which school you finished your studies at.

Is ENEM Mandatory?

You will see that among some data, you will be asked for ENEM, but don't worry.

Even if requested, it is not mandatory to take the ENEM to be able to compete for the scholarships offered.

Therefore, this data, as well as your monthly income, will not determine whether or not you will win the scholarship, but the program's focus is on low-income candidates.

Making Confirmation.

With all your details filled in, it is high time for you to CONFIRM your order.

Finally, you will need to pay the registration fee, which can be easily done online.

The amount that will be paid already has the discount applied.

EducaMaisBrasil Partner Schools and Colleges.

There are hundreds of schools and universities that partner with EducaMaisBrasil that can certainly fit your budget to offer your children a discount.

To find private schools that offer these discounts, click here and for an EJA scholarship, click here.

Additionally, you can find partnerships at large universities, all recognized by the MEC. To find out what they are, just click here.

What are the Courses Offered by the EducaMaisBrasil Program?

The types of courses offered by the EducaMaisBrasil program are diverse and we are sure you will be able to find what you are looking for.

Thus, they are divided between Exact, Human and Biological areas, in total there are around 36 area options that you can choose from.

In addition, the degrees are also all those offered nationally, such as bachelor's degree, licentiate degree and technological degree.

Study Programs Similar to EducaMaisBrasil.

In addition to EducaMaisBrasil, you can look for the opportunity to have a scholarship with discounts in other places that offer similar ideas to Educa Mais Brasil.

Among the options of places that offer this type of program, we can mention Mais Bolsas, NEORA, Quero Bolsa and PRAVALER.

The criteria for accessing the courses and the options may be different from those presented here, but they are still great alternatives for those who do not want to use EducaMaisBrasil to attend a university or private course.

Is There Another Way to Get Discounts and Scholarships?

In addition to Educa Mais Brasil, you have a scholarship option that can give you a total or partial discount on your college tuition, or give you the chance to finance the costs.

The first case is ProUni – Programa Universidade de Todos, which offers scholarships with full or partial payment.

Finally, the second option is FIES, where you have the chance to finance your college education and pay only after completion.

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