Qual a Diferença Entre Série e Seriado? Saiba Mais.

What is the Difference Between a Series and a Serial?


Weekends are the perfect time to relax and watch series, right? But you know What is the difference between a series and a serial? If you don't understand this, keep reading, because this post is for you! Nowadays one of the most common things to watch are series. There are several TV channels and streaming platforms that are sure to play your favorite series.

The series have become so popular that even our country has dedicated itself to producing with more dedication and quality. Therefore, it is investing much more in this sector. In some countries in the United States, series production is very common. There are even several series that are broadcast outside the platforms, on TV channels.

So, our aim today is to show what the difference is between series and series. Therefore, we have brought some information so that you understand a little more about this. Check it out below:


Qual a Diferença Entre Série e Seriado

What is the Difference Between a Series and a Serial?

Even if you think that series and series are the same thing, know that you are wrong! There are some differences between series and series and let's present them now! Look:


One of the main characteristics of a series is that it has a beginning, middle and end. This means that in all episodes you will be able to feel a connection and they need to have continuity.


In other words, one episode links to the other. As soon as the series ends, its narrative is also concluded. This can happen either at the end of the entire series or at the end of each season.

There is something we call a hook, which is what the series needs to have as a characteristic. This is the main difference of the series.

The entire story of the series needs to be told in such a way that with each episode, it extends to the next, and at the end of a season, the story is finished.

How do you know you're watching a series? Just realize that if you watch a loose, random episode of that show, you probably won't understand the context.

This is because the series needs to be continuous. This is the famous hook. And that's exactly why you feel trapped in the series, as it needs to continue in the next episodes.


Unlike a series, a series will not necessarily have a continuity. It can present a different story in each episode.

This does not mean that with each episode the context of the series or the characters will change. But it means no continuity.

The great characteristic of a series is being able to conclude a narrative in just one episode. All the stories presented in that series are resolved quickly.

So it's not a program that you need to watch in full to understand the narrative.

You can identify that you are watching a series when you understand the story of a loose and random episode. So, you don't need to watch others to understand completely.

This doesn't mean that a series can't be marathoned. On the contrary, when you marathon the episodes of a series, you discover stories that you hadn't noticed before, when you only watched a single episode.

These are the main differences between series and series. Choose your favorite and enjoy!

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