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Online Pregnancy Test: Free App.


O online pregnancy test is a useful tool for women who want to know if they are pregnant without having to leave the house. Therefore, the application is easy to use and can be downloaded for free on smartphones and tablets.

As online pregnancy test, women can take the test anywhere and at any time, without having to worry about making a doctor's appointment or buying a pharmacy test. The application uses information provided by the user to determine the probability of pregnancy, based on data such as the date of the last menstrual period and the length of the menstrual cycle.


While an online pregnancy test can be a convenient option for many women, it is important to remember that it does not replace a pregnancy test performed by a healthcare professional. Therefore, if the test result is positive, it is essential that the woman seeks a doctor to confirm the pregnancy and begin prenatal care.

Online Pregnancy Test (Image: Canva Pro)

History of Ancient Pregnancy Tests.

Pregnancy tests have been around for centuries, although the methods have evolved significantly over time.


In ancient Greece, women urinated in barley and wheat. If the barley grew, it was believed that the woman was pregnant. However, if the wheat grew, it was believed that the woman was not pregnant.

In 1927, the first modern pregnancy test was developed. He used live female frogs, which were injected with urine from a pregnant woman. If the frog ovulated, the test was considered positive. This test was improved in the 1960s when scientists discovered a specific protein in pregnant women's urine.

Nowadays, there are many different types of pregnancy tests, including urine tests and blood tests.

Although modern pregnancy tests are much more accurate than old methods, it is still important to remember that no test is 100% accurate. It's always a good idea to see a doctor if you think you might be pregnant.

Best Apps to Take Online Pregnancy Test.

The best apps to determine your child's sex are those that calculate the sex as female or male, determine the child's sex, and predict the child's sex. Therefore, they are available on iOS and Android operating systems.

However, remember that even with the suggested apps, prenatal care is essential for you and your child's health. Furthermore, it is advisable to have an ultrasound to confirm the conclusion before going out to buy clothes or prepare the house for the baby's arrival.

People always want to know the sex of the child. Therefore, apps for finding out the baby's sex are the most accurate. The Baby Center app and Pampers app are the best suited for this purpose. So, just access your app store on your cell phone and download the one you prefer.

Download: Android | iOS

Important Tips.

  • Make sure you accurately answer questions about your menstrual cycle and pregnancy symptoms to get the most accurate results.
  • Please remember that the online pregnancy test is not 100% accurate and should not be used as a substitute for a medical pregnancy test.
  • If you have questions or concerns about your health or pregnancy, please consult a doctor.

However, with these online pregnancy test apps, women can get information about their chances of being pregnant without leaving home. Please remember that the app is just a tool and should not be used as a medical diagnosis.

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