Urna Eletrônica do TSE - Eleições 2022

TSE Electronic Ballot Box – 2022 Elections.


With the elections approaching, many people still raise doubts about the TSE electronic ballot box, from efficacy to safety.

With that in mind, in this post we will tell you everything you need to know about the subject and, of course, answer all your questions.

Therefore, if you have any questions about the urn, read this content until the end!


Urna Eletrônica do TSE - Eleições 2022
Electronic ballot box (Image: Canva Pro)

What is the TSE Electronic Ballot Box?

The electronic ballot box is a device used in all elections that take place in Brazil and aims to count the votes cast.

Used for the first time in 1996, the TSE's electronic ballot box began its journey in 57 cities for municipal elections and, only later, was it available throughout Brazil, which happened in 2000.


In total, the method has been used for 22 years, making Brazilians' way of voting safer, faster and more transparent. After all, it is no coincidence that the Brazilian election model is a reference in the world.

Why did the Electronic Voting Machine emerge?

Voting using an electronic ballot box is seen as a revolution in elections in Brazil and around the world. Its creation was due to the desire to eliminate any chance of fraud in elections, due to human errors.

Previously, the voting system in Brazil was done using paper ballots and counting was done manually.

Therefore, in addition to being a very slow process, there was still the chance of fraud, full of errors and of course, with a lot of suspicion.


How Long Does a TSE Electronic Ballot Box Last?

The duration of an electronic voting machine is one of the most interesting points about them, after all, doesn't it have eternal life? Actually, no, she does not have eternal life.

The electronic voting machine participates in up to six elections, with a useful life of 10 years. After the period, the urn is 95% recycled, reducing the impact on nature.

For it to be recycled, the TSE chooses a specialized company that must strictly follow the entire process, where the body receives a final report.

How Does Voting in the Electronic Ballot Box Work?

In 2022, voting must be done for five positions that are in dispute, such as: state deputy, federal deputy, senator, governor and president of the republic.

Once the numbers are entered, the candidate's name and photo will appear on the ballot box screen, as well as the position and party acronym.

An important tip for you is to take a slip with the numbers and names of those who will vote, after all, with so many numbers, it's easy to forget.

Why is the TSE Electronic Ballot Box Secure?

Every year the Electoral Court uses the most advanced information security when it comes to electronic voting machines.

Furthermore, the TSE itself carries out security procedures to make sure that everything is and continues to be running smoothly.

On the eve of the election, a parallel voting ceremony test takes place to effectively complete the inspection and confirmation of the security of the ballot box.

How does the Parallel Voting Ceremony Work?

The parallel voting ceremony is a test that takes place on the eve of the election, with a public hearing, that is, one that can be seen by voters, to verify the level of security of the electronic voting machines.

Thus, based on a draw, TRE will take and exchange these electronic voting machines for others.

On election day, still in the testing phase, the ballot boxes that were drawn went through the voting process, in the same way as would happen at the polling station to see if they are working.

Votes are recorded for testing:

The test consists of taking a paper ballot, recording the vote and going to the test ballot box, recording the same vote, while a camera films the entire process.

At the end of the day, when voting ends, the votes are counted.

Thus, a comparison is made between the paper ballot and the ballot box.

What are Other Security Methods that Help Protect the Electronic Voting Machine?

In addition to the test carried out on election day, there are two other ways used by the TSE that help keep the ballot boxes safe.

The first is the digital signature, which is an encryption method that helps keep the digital file intact, confirming that the program that runs the ballot box has not been intentionally altered.

In addition, the digital summary is used, which is an algorithm used to calculate the hashes of the files and send the data to the TSE, subsequently published on the portal.

Is it Possible for Hackers to Hack the TSE Electronic Ballot Box?

In addition to all the possible mistakes that some citizens believe the ballot box can make, there is also the theory that hackers could break into the ballot box.

However, the chances of this happening can be considered zero, as they work in isolation, without any mechanism that connects them to a computer network.

Furthermore, it does not have any hardware that connects it to any program and does not have access to the internet, whether wired or wireless.

What will the TSE Electronic Ballot Box be like in 2022?

In 2020, the TSE presented a new ballot box model, known as UE 2020, which features several important updates.

The first is the design, which has an improved keyboard and an infinite battery life, meaning that as long as the urn is used, there will be a battery.

Furthermore, a processor was developed that was 18 times faster than the previous version, speeding up the voting process and minimizing possible queues.

What time can you vote?

Voting is unified across the country and begins at 8:00 am, ending work at 5:00 pm sharp, as long as there is no one in the queue.

In addition, elderly people will have priority, as well as obese people and pregnant women.

It is worth remembering that it is important not to leave voting until the last minute, as you may have to wait in a long queue.

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