Você Conhece a Menor Cidade do Brasil? - Criativo News

Do you know the smallest city in Brazil?


It's so good to discover new places, isn't it? Do you know the smallest city in Brazil? Discover the history of the Municipality of Serra da Saudade.

This cozy place is in the state of Minas Gerais. Therefore, it is a very calm place, far from all the hustle and bustle of the big city. Its geographical layout is as follows: a city surrounded by green areas, on top of a hill.


However, this city became known for being the smallest city in Brazil, due to its number of inhabitants. Currently, around 1000 inhabitants live in the city of Serra da Saudade. This information was dated in 2020 by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and continues to this day.

Você Conhece a Menor Cidade do Brasil

Municipality of Serra da Saudade in 2019.

In 2019, the IBGE survey showed that the population decreased by around 0.64%. There were around 781 people and now there are 776 people living in the city.


However, in this current scenario we are living in, several cases of covid-19 have been confirmed in the city, all from the same family. However, all of them were cured of the disease, with no deaths reported on site due to Covid-19.

Population Fall.

The municipality of Serra da Saudade was born in 1963. However, the city's main source of income was the local city hall and agricultural services.

Therefore, the city has around 335 kilometers of land. Its size is practically the same as Belo Horizonte. This is actually a curious fact, when comparing the two populations.

However, since 2013, the city has seen a drop in population. That same year, there were 825 inhabitants. In 2014, the number became 822. In 2015, it dropped to 818. Currently, we can count on 817 inhabitants in the city of Serra da Saudade.

Information and Curiosities.

The city Serra da Saudade is the least populated city in Brazil, the second city to occupy this position is the city of Borá, which is in São Paulo, with 838 inhabitants.

The third smallest city in the country is Araguainha, in Mato Grosso, with 946 residents. And the fourth smallest city is Engenho Velho, in Rio Grande do Sul, with 982 residents.

So, when we talk about the least populated states in the country, we can talk about the northern region. It is responsible for housing the smallest states, in terms of number of inhabitants.

The southeast region is responsible for carrying the most populous states in the country, and we can mention Rio de Janeiro, with around 6.75 million inhabitants, currently.

However, according to IBGE, more and more populous states have grown, and some may double the number of residents in a few years.

Cozy City.

Therefore, the Municipality of Serra da Saudade, in addition to being known as the smallest city in Brazil, is also known for being a cozy and very peaceful place. People who live in Serra da Saudade often say that there is no better place to live.

However, as it is a city surrounded by many green landscapes, the climate is very good and pleasant. If you are looking for a place to relax, visit Serra da Saudade.

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