Pagamentos PIS/PASEP em 2022 – Saiba o Que é e Como Receber

PIS/PASEP payments in 2022 – Find out what it is and how to receive it.


If you don't know or have questions about how these benefits usually work. In this article, you can see information about the PIS/PASEP payments in 2022. Therefore, know what it is and how to receive it. In this way, the benefit works as an extra salary for workers and is usually paid in the second half of the year. However, in 2022 it started to be paid in January.

Furthermore, the benefit can be used for different types of expenses. However, as it is extra income, it is usually used mainly for general purchases. And this is very good, because the PIS/PASEP payments in 2022, will boost the country’s economy. However, it is also often used to settle outstanding debts.


Furthermore, workers under the CLT regime have numerous rights and duties. However, the fact that there is a lot of bureaucracy means that some people give up because they find it very difficult to acquire them. Therefore, if you are a worker in a private company, know that you are entitled to PIS. But if you are a public servant, you are entitled to receive PASEP.

Pagamentos PIS/PASEP em 2022 – Saiba o Que é e Como Receber
PIS/PASEP 2022 (Image: Canva Pro)

What Are the Essential Rules for Receiving Payment.

However, to be entitled to the PIS/PASEP 2022 benefit, you must follow some crucial rules for approval. For example, having performed a paid role for at least 30 days in the year preceding payment. In addition to everything, you will also need to have been entitled to up to 2 minimum wages in a formal contract per month.


Therefore, you must also have registered with PIS/PASEP for at least 5 years. In addition to also having data in the updated Annual Social Information List. Furthermore, it is worth highlighting that the PIS benefit is received by workers at lottery outlets, at Caixa Econômica or Caixa Aqui.

However, those who receive PASEP will only do so at Banco do Brasil. However, if the worker does not have an account at any bank, they can withdraw funds using their citizen card and password at any ATM. Now, if you don't have a card, you can receive it at a Caixa branch, having your work card, CPF and ID in hand.

How to Know If You Are Entitled to PIS/PASEP.

Those who receive PIS will be able to consult everything they need directly on the main Caixa Econômica channels. Then, through the official Caixa website, the Caixa Trabalhador app or by calling 0800-726-0207. 

In addition, it is also possible to check whether or not you will be entitled to the benefit, through the Government's Meu INSS website. To access the website, just log in using your CPF and look for the “Benefits” option. This way, you will know whether or not you are entitled to PIS/Pasep in 2022.

Now, for those who want to know about Pasep, just access the website “Consult your PASEP”. In this sense, you can also call the telephone number 0800 729 0001 and find out about the benefit in question.


There is a Payment Calendar.

If you are in doubt about the PIS/PASEP payments in 2022, and what day you will receive the benefit. Simply access the dates through the PIS/PASEP payment calendar. For those who receive PIS, payments will follow the order of the beneficiary's month of birth.

Born in:

  • January – Received on February 8th.
  • February – Received on February 10th.
  • March – Received on February 15th.
  • April – Received on February 17th.
  • May – Received on February 22nd.
  • June – Received on February 24th.
  • July – Received March 15th.
  • August – Received March 17th.
  • September – Received March 22nd.
  • October – Received March 24th.
  • November – Received March 29th.
  • December – Received March 31st.

For those who are entitled to the PASEP benefit, there will be a different order of receipt. So, it will be based on the final registration number of each person.

Final number:

  • 0 – Received on February 15th.
  • 1 – Received on February 5th.
  • 2 – Received on February 17th.
  • 3 – Received on February 17th.
  • 4 – Received on February 22nd.
  • 5 – Received on February 24th.
  • 6 – Received on March 15th.
  • 7 – Received on March 17th.
  • 8 – Received on March 22nd.
  • 9 – Received on March 24th.

As for the amount to be received, this will depend on the period worked under the CLT regime in 2020. Therefore, 1 month worked gives the right to receive R$ 101.00, therefore, whoever works for a period of 12 months (1 year) , you will be entitled to 1 minimum wage of R$ 1,212.00.

Final considerations.

We hope this article has clarified your doubts. To find out more tips like this, access our “Tips” category and stay informed of everything.

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