Carteira Digital de Trânsito - Baixe o Aplicativo no Celular Grátis

Digital Traffic Card – Download the App on your cell phone for free.


Did you know that your Digital CNH is released before the printed version arrives at your address? It is also a valid document and can be presented upon request. In this sense, one of the most sought after services is Digital Traffic Card. It works like a digital version of the traditional driver's license.

A Dentran survey showed that, in Brazil, there are more than 74 million licensed drivers. So, as renewing your driver's license is essential for this group, issuing the document digitally is a very simple way to avoid headaches.

Next, we will show you how the Digital Traffic Card and how to install your application. In addition, we will also show you the step-by-step process for registering on the platform. Check it out below!


Carteira Digital de Trânsito - Baixe o Aplicativo no Celular Grátis
Digital Traffic Card App (Image: Google)

What is the Digital Transit Card?

Also known as CNH Digital, the Digital Traffic Card is the free, digital version of the national driver's license (CNH). However, despite being issued digitally, it has the same value as the printed version.

In this sense, it is worth mentioning that the issuance of the digital version of the document is now available throughout the country. However, membership is not mandatory, as the printed version remains valid, but it is well worth downloading on your cell phone.


At the same time, there are several advantages to subscribing to the Digital Traffic Card. This is because the electronic version allows you to consult the document at any time and anywhere, including offline.

In addition, the application also has a QR Code system, to facilitate user access.

How to Install the Digital Traffic Card on your Cell Phone?

If you are interested in having your Digital Traffic Card, know that installing the app is quite simple! In addition to the digital benefits, you will have access to the document even without internet. To do this, follow the steps below:

  • Install the free app ( Android | iOS ).
  • After installing, check if the application opens correctly.
  • Finally, tap the app icon to open the platform. 

How to Register for the Digital Traffic Card App?

Now that you have installed the application on your cell phone, it is time to register. It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to have access to the Denatran Portal to access the application. Check it step by step:

  • Open the app and enter your CPF;
  • Then click on the “Next” option;
  • Then, enter the password registered on the Denatran portal and click “Enter”
  • On the main screen, enter the activation code created on the Detran portal and click “Continue”;
  • Afterwards, you will need to register a new password, with 4 numbers;
  • Finally, after choosing a secure password, repeat the procedure and click on the “Save” option.

Finally, your Digital Traffic Card is now available for consultation! This way, you will have access to your document quickly on your cell phone. To do this, simply enter your password. It is worth mentioning that the portal also has other tools, such as scheduling and a chat for complaints.


The CNH Digital application is a useful tool for Brazilian drivers, as it facilitates access to the document, in addition to allowing you to carry out various queries and services related to the National Driving License. 

CNH Digital provides security and practicality to the driver, making it possible to carry out transactions and procedures in a more agile and practical way. 

Therefore, with this application, Brazilians can enjoy more resources, in addition to having the peace of mind of having their document digitally safe and in the palm of their hands.

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