Como Solicitar o Saque Aniversario do FGTS Pelo Aplicativo

How to Request the FGTS Birthday Withdrawal Using the Application.


To know How to request the FGTS birthday withdrawal through the app, is a way for every worker to access their guarantee fund. However, even though this benefit is popular, many people still don't know how it works. However, before we explain how to request the FGTS birthday withdrawal through the app, you need to know some interesting points.

Therefore, know that the FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service) It is the right that every formal worker must receive after being fired by the company. Furthermore, this is an important resource for the beneficiary, as it will help him a lot at a time when he finds himself without income. However, the value, as the name suggests, will depend on the length of service you have provided to the company.

However, with the amount receivable from the FGTS, the beneficiary gains time to find another job and is able to keep their accounts up to date. Therefore, as it is a guarantee fund, the worker knows that he can count on this amount after his dismissal. However, if the company has not made the deposits correctly, it may face labor proceedings. So, find out how to request your FGTS birthday withdrawal through the app.


Como Solicitar o Saque Aniversario do FGTS Pelo Aplicativo

FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal – Changes and Validity.

The FGTS is a right for every worker who has a formal contract. It has been operating since 1967, but has undergone several changes over the years. In general, this benefit acts as a forced savings that the worker acquires when hired by a company. Because, every month the employer or company needs to make deposits into your account and according to your salary.

However, people still have many doubts about the subject, and many do not know when they can receive the FGTS benefit. What is known so far is that the worker only has the right to withdraw from the guarantee fund when fired without just cause.


However, this benefit has already undergone several changes and rules. So, amid these changes, the government recently made other ways of making partial withdrawals from the FGTS possible. However, one way to withdraw is by your birthday. However, this is just an advance made available to the worker's account.

How the FGTS Birthday Withdrawal Works.

Currently, there are some rules that the worker must comply with in order to access this benefit. One of them, as the name suggests, is to request to withdraw the benefit in the month of your birthday. However, only part of the total amount that the worker has will be released.

This amount, therefore, can be used in any way you prefer, whether to pay off debts or buy something you wanted and dreamed of. Always thinking about helping workers, Caixa Econômica Federal limits the withdrawal amount according to the balance in the beneficiary's account. Because, if the company is fired without just cause, there will still be a reserve left for withdrawal.

Therefore, by choosing to request the FGTS birthday withdrawal through the app, the worker can receive up to two months after their birthday date. But, as already mentioned, the amount may vary from person to person and the available balance in the account. However, these are not fixed installments and the worker will only receive them in the month of their birthday.

FGTS Application – Request Birthday Withdrawal.

Having clarified the doubts regarding the birthday withdrawal, now let's get to know the FGTS application. Well, this is what we will use to request the withdrawal. The FGTS app can be downloaded for free from your Google Play and App Store app store. Therefore, this is a great tool for resolving guarantee fund issues.

Furthermore, as soon as the worker downloads the FGTS app on their cell phone, they will be able to monitor all deposits made by the company into their account. However, you need to create an account on the portal, the login details will be the same for the app. With the FGTS application, workers can monitor all movements and have access to statements.

Another advantage of the app is that you can register the bank account into which you want the FGTS birthday withdrawal to be deposited. However, to clarify any doubts, simply access the help section of the application. So, we can say that the application interface is very simple and easy to use. Well, it offers the main options on the screen and a menu in its bottom bar. Therefore, now you worker, with just a few clicks you can request your benefit.

Read too:

Other Ways to Withdraw the Guarantee Fund.

Did you know that there are other rules that make it possible to withdraw the FGTS? One of them is to withdraw the benefit to deduct on installments or when purchasing a house. In some cases, the Federal Government also allows withdrawals, with the intention of contributing to the movement of the economy.

This occurred in 2020 as a result of the pandemic. Then, the emergency FGTS withdrawal was released, which helped thousands of people. However, the termination withdrawal remains in effect. In the termination withdrawal, the worker receives the value of the deposits plus the fine of 40% when he is fired without just cause. 

Applications That Help Workers.

  • Cashier worker.
  • Unemployment insurance.
  • Box Tem.
  • CTPS Digital.


In this article, you discovered how to request the FGTS birthday withdrawal through the app and learned about the various rules for requesting it. Now, just access your cell phone's app store, download the FGTS App and check if you are entitled to this benefit.

However, if this information helped you, help us reach and help more people by sharing this article.

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