Palavras em Inglês - Memorize Com Esse App

Words in English – Memorize With This App.


In recent decades, the need to study and learn English grew exponentially in society. This is because the language has become essential for many things, such as job interviews or new courses, for example. Therefore, learning words in English has become essential to advance in your career.

A survey by the British Council showed that only 1% of the Brazilian population speaks English fluently. In this sense, even though we are surrounded by words of English origin, it is still difficult for many people to learn the former Queen's native language.

Therefore, for you to learn new words in English, or simply to train your command of the language, we have selected some apps that will help you learn English. This way, you can learn with new techniques and also with popular flashcards. Check it out below!


Palavras em Inglês - Memorize Com Esse App
Learn English Words (Image: Google)

VocApp English Flashcards.

Flashcards are an excellent way to learn English as they really work on teaching vocabulary words. To study with this flashcard, VocApp English Flashcards is perfect for English learners of any level. This is because you can select cards based on their difficulty level.

This vocabulary app is fantastic because it uses more complex elements to teach all aspects of a vocabulary word, ranging from pronunciation of sentences, to everyday examples and definitions. In fact, you can create your own flashcards throughout the year for a more personalized experience.


Therefore, we can say that this vocabulary creator is perfect for anyone who wants to study English. To do this, simply select a screen and take the test to see if you know the particular set of words well. Then review the words you defined incorrectly to study them at another time.

Fortitude Vocabulary Builder.

Fortitude Vocabulary Builder is perfect for studying English at any time, as it also works offline. In the app, we have a vocabulary bank of more than 1,500 words, containing precise and simple definitions, as well as many real-world examples.

Additionally, while studying, you can select images to help you understand and remember the words. Therefore, even beginners in the language can use this app to learn English words quickly.

On the home screen, we have a beginner, intermediate and advanced option, as well as live updates on how you are performing at each level. Finally, another positive point of the app is the clean and simple layout, which is very practical so as not to get lost in the number of words.


TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards.

TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards is one of the best apps for learning new words in English, suitable for any level of student. However, it is often used for those studying for the English as a Foreign Language test in order to apply to an English-speaking university. 

Today, TOEFL is essential for all students who wish to study abroad, especially in English-speaking countries. Furthermore, it also helps with memorization and knowledge of other techniques, such as pronunciation, for example.

In the app, we have hundreds of words selected by a professional TOEFL tutor, to question and illustrate their meaning. This way, we have digital flashcards to show how these words are spoken and how they are inserted into our daily lives.

Galvanize Test Prep Ultimate Vocabulary Builder.

One of the most popular English apps on the market, Galvanize Test Prep Ultimate Vocabulary Builder is perfect for studying English. This is because it is possible to learn new words, on a platform with incredible design functions, including a game to test your knowledge.

In the game, with each correct answer, you earn points to unlock more words, as your pronunciation advances. Additionally, it is also used by students taking the GRE, the postgraduate test used in North America.

This is because the app teaches the nuances and details of different words in English, which is essential for passing the GRE. In short, we can say that the application is more suitable for intermediate and advanced students, but beginners can also take risks with it. So, don't waste time and download the app as soon as possible!


FluentU is perfect for learning new words in English, as it uses a very interesting method. To do this, he uses entertainment, such as films, clips, news, speeches and many others. In the app, each video was adapted to become a personalized lesson. Therefore, the content is ideal for those who do not have much contact with English.

The videos have interactive subtitles, where you can click on any word in the subtitle for an instant definition. After class, FluentU gives you flashcards and quizzes to test the vocabulary in the video, to make sure you actually learned what was taught.

Finally, each video also has vocabulary lists and full transcriptions. Videos are cataloged by genre and level. Therefore, it will be easier to find the best ones for you. Additionally, the app suggests new videos for you, based on what you've already watched.

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